Holocaust Revisionism

Beginnings and Endings

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2024-01-01 10:58

By Carolyn Yeager

IT'S SAID THAT EVERY ENDING MARKS A NEW BEGINNING. That helps, because while I've been grappling with how (and even whether!) to say I'm ending this website in a post I had already titled  '2023 Wrap Up', the New Year has arrived and pushed me into 2024 before I got it posted.

I began last years posts (only 10 of them!) with a New Year resolution to stop or improve my growing problem with procrastination. I had meant to end this year with a confession that I admit defeat in that resolve and, furthermore, I realize it can only get worse from here.

It's not that I haven't been getting the message that it's time for me to bow out, but I've procrastinated on that also! Thankfully the Buddha quote solves my anxiety over not being in the right order.

Happy 90th birthday to Arthur Butz, one of the greats of the 20th Century

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2023-11-11 19:57

By Carolyn Yeager

DR. BUTZ (LEFT) WAS BORN ON NOVEMBER 10, 1933. Though he has long been an associate professor of electrical engineering at the elite Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, where he earned tenure in 1974, Arthur Butz is best known for his 1976 ground-breaking book, The Hoax of the 20th Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry.

A side trip into a David Irving issue

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2023-06-20 11:43

IT'S NO SECRET that I comment on certain Unz Review articles. Currently there has been another flurry of attention on David Irving as a reliable historian. While I am still organizing my promised article on the present available knowledge of Hitller's role in the Hess "secret" flight to Scotland on May 10, 1941, I came across the comments to Hadding Scott's important aritcle on David Irving found here: https://carolynyeager.net/hadding-scott-talks-frankly-about-david-irving...

There are several good comments there, but one in particular I thought deserved re-publishing as a post. It's by "David," who often wrote  long, thoughtful comments here that I always appreciated. It went like this:

Young Dutch don't believe in Holocaust myth

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2023-01-27 14:48

By Carolyn Yeager

TODAY, JANUARY 27, 2023, IS THE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL DAY OF COMMEMORATION FOR VICTIMS OF THE HOLOHOAX -- otherwise known as International Holocaust Memorial Day -- the one created by the United Nations (introduced by Israel) and heavily supported by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial & Museum in Poland and the World Jewish Congress, headquartered in New York.

The Shrinking 'Holocaust'

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2022-12-03 18:37

... How small can it get and still be called a Holocaust?

Prior to 2021, Majdanek was considered by the USHMM one of the six "extermination camps" in far Eastern Germany/General-Government (formerly Poland between the 1st and 2nd world wars). It's now been quietly removed from this group, leaving only five camps in which Jews are alleged to have been killed as part of a planned genocide.

By Carolyn Yeager

ANOTHER 'DEATH CAMP' HAS BEEN QUIETLY REMOVED from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) website's pages on the "Final Solution."

A recent email from Jon M. brought to my attention that the flagship U.S. Holocaust museum in Washington DC has made a significant change to their description of “the final solution.”

French revisionist scholar Vincent Reynouard arrested in Scotland

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2022-11-20 09:53

I JUST RECEIVED AN EMAIL FROM PETER RUSHTON, of Heritage & Destiny in the UK, with the following information. He writes that the case for extradition to France has been put back to 23rd February next year (with a pre-trial hearing on 8th December). Vincent will remain in a Scottish prison until the extradition question is decided.

Peter also informs me: I have learned that his present address for correspondence is:

Prisoner Number 160071

HMP Edinburgh
Scottish Prison Service
33 Stenhouse Road

EH11 3LN


United Kingdom

He asks that we read the regulations regarding letters to UK prisoners. All letters must include the prisoner name and prisoner number. Please read on for all the currently known details.  -Carolyn

Revisionist news: Gunter Deckert dies; Ursula Haverbeck headed to prison ... again

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2022-04-12 22:40

Political activist and revisionist Günter Deckert in 2019 in London, looking hale and hearty.

By Carolyn Yeager

GÜNTER DECKERT PASSED FROM THIS FALLEN WORLD ON MARCH 31, 2022 AT AGE 82. I do not have any information as yet on the cause of death and do not know if it was preceded by an illness. He was, however, active in local political electioneering in his home city of Weinheim well into the month of March, so if he did fall ill, it was brief.

Günter was always a dynamic personality. He had a successful career teaching English and French in German high (upper level) schools and colleges for 20 years, from 1968 to 1988, and during that time he was a member of the NPD (National Democratic Party) and the 'Deutsche Liste.' He was National Chairman of the NPD from 1991 to 2005.

The Elie Wiesel tattoo question is resolved: No tattoo

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2021-10-10 10:18

Close-up of Wiesel’s arms from the photograph taken in 2006 by Eyal Toueg, published after Elie Wiesel’s death.

By Carolyn Yeager

ELIE WIESEL was physically put to rest five years ago on July 3, 2016. Now, the website “Elie Wiesel Cons The World” will be put to rest at the end of this year.

That website was instigated by me, and assisted in its early days by the ever-helpful and much-missed Bradley Smith and his CODOH webmaster. I wanted to feature the phrase “Where's the tattoo?” taken from the extremely  popular 1980s Wendy's advertising campaign, “Where's the beef?” Delving into all aspects of Elie Wiesel became a major passion for me to which I devoted a great deal of my time. In the course of six years (2010-2016), I personally produced close to 130 articles, in the process of which I came to know more about Elie Wiesel than probably any living person outside of his family (and likely including them!).

Now, as I contemplate EWCTW becoming a non-active (read only) site—complete and total as is—I considered what I wanted visitors to see first when they hit on eliewieseltattoo.com. The answer was obvious—did we solve the riddle to Elie Wiesel's “missing tattoo?” Indeed we did, and it was what I had believed from the start—Wiesel did not have the number A-7713 tattooed on his left arm, and he never had it.

The Holocaust scam continues to be the #1 identity factor for American Jews

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2021-06-01 21:15

Considering the outsized role Jewish-Americans and Israel play in our national life, two or three 6-pointed, double triangle 'stars' scattered among the five-pointed stars on the American flag (as seen here) would be appropriate--and send the right message.

By Carolyn Yeager

ACCORDING TO THE LATEST PEW RESEARCH SURVEY of American Jews since 2013, the just-released “Jewish Identity in the United States 2020” survey, 76% of all U.S. Jews say that remembering the 'Holocaust' is essential to their Jewish identity. That is the highest of all reasons given, more than consider it as being a member of the Jewish religion – Judaism – which rated 72%.

In other words, more who identify as Jews think that 'Holocaust' remembrance (and corresponding belief) is the essential ingredient to their life as a Jew than is the Jewish religion itself!

Trailing that, 59% selected “working for justice and equality in society”, 56% “being intellectually curious”, with only 51% choosing “continuing family traditions.”

Holocaust lies continue to be used to rationalize fear of the Right

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2021-01-27 16:44

Observant Jews monitor the "Remembrance Day" service taking place in the German Bundestag, marking 76 years that Europeans have been burdened with this Big Lie. Why aren't we doing all we can to end it?

by Carolyn Yeager

I AM SO TIRED of the stale “holocaust” lies that are still used as a basis for current boogyman fear-mongering such as against 'far-right domestic terrorists' that supposedly roam our streets today in large numbers.

The theme by all mainstream news outlets is that “far-right” ideas, ie. dislike and rejection of the conformity of globalism, threatens 'democracy' and all 'democratically elected governments'. [If a government is not far-left or internationalist-communist enough, then it must not have been elected democratically, according to this lock-step way of thinking.]
