Race in Civilization

Why are you obsessed with race? What is your agenda?

Published by admin on Mon, 2011-10-31 01:06

We are not obsessed with race. People who are truly obsessed with race are the leftist/Marxist academics who deny the existence of biological races among humans while blaming minority failure on racial discrimination. So what is the need for this FAQ?

Western civilization, particularly America, is reeling under the impact of massive Third World immigration, minority handouts, affirmative action and a high frequency of crimes on the part of numerous non-European ethnic groups. The people promoting this have not only made no attempts to examine whether the Third World masses possess the same aptitude as whites and whether they can be made to behave like whites, but also have attempted to sabotage attempts to answer these questions and persisted with their policies in spite of evidence that decades of affirmative action has not reduced the need for affirmative action for American blacks in the slightest amount, reduced the aptitude/performance gap between whites and blacks, made non-Europeans behave like Europeans...in short, make the non-Western populations Western apart from looks. These individuals obviously need to convince Westerners that aptitude/behavior differences between populations stem from the social environment, and therefore need to argue that biological differences between populations are minimal and limited to superficial differences, not aptitudes and behaviors. This is why they are especially motivated to deny the existence of biological races among humans.

The Racial Awakening of the German People by Dr. Rudolf Frercks, parts 1-3

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-08-09 23:44

Because I think it represents, in general, the correct N-S position on race and refutes incorrect positions that have been put forth, I have reposted this from National-Socialist-Worldview  -cy

This booklet by Dr. Frercks was originally published, with the approval of the NSDAP, in 1935. The edition on which this translation was based is dated 1942. Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014.

The Phalian (left) and Nordic (right) types constitute the racial core of the German people, says Dr. Rudolf Frercks. The image is from Carleton S. Coon, The Races of Europe, 1939.


The Delusion of Human Equality

The liberal age's picture of the world is based on the one important premise, an assumption  promulgated as dogma in the French Revolution of 1789, that humans are by nature equal. Human reason [Vernunft] was allegedly the very thing that would unite all humans on the Earth and make them ready -- some sooner, others later -- to take part in the great ideal global culture, its blessings and its peace. The laws of logic, so one said, were everywhere the same and were valid not only for Europeans but also for Negroes. That however implied the duty of educating humans more and more into clever beings guided only by calculation [Verstand]. The appeal was made to the individual and his insight that had been given to him, whereby he was supposed to overcome the dark drives of emotion and of the will to live, which stem from an earlier stage of development and are unworthy of a modern man.

The Racial Awakening of the German People by Dr. Rudolf Frercks, parts 4-8

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-09-02 00:14

This article is reposted from National-Socialist-Worldview.

This booklet by Dr. Frercks was originally published, with the approval of the NSDAP, in 1935. The edition on which this translation was based is dated 1942. Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014.

Part 4 - Race and History

Every epoch has its own interpretation of history born of its spirit. In the Middle Ages reigned the universalist interpretation of history that judged all events according to their part in the preparation of the "Dominion of God on Earth." In this dominion all differences due to natural law among persons, peoples, and cultures would become irrelevant before the one all-embracing doctrine whereby life has its ultimate meaning in the soul cleansed of all earthly contents. By this conception, body and flesh are regarded as originating from this world, and are accordingly sinful and must be chastened in consistently pious exercise for the salvation of the soul.

The Importance of Race in Civilization

Published by admin on Mon, 2011-10-31 01:03

"The liberal intellectual is not wholly to blame for his misunderstanding of ‘racism’, and his often emotional denunciation of anything that appears so chauvinistic, for after all, in this cosmopolitan era, he himself more often than not has associated with people of a different ethnic background than his own, whom he recognizes as having nothing more than a superficial difference from his own kin. If he is a university student or graduate he is apt to be even fanatical in his scorn of racism, since here, in the seats of higher learning, must be positioned minds of great scope and understanding, which have no patience with out-dated brute concepts. And, of course, if one is particularly interested in the subject, there is an array of literature and opinions presented in everything from the press to scholarly thick volumes, to confirm the notion that racism is primitive, unsophisticated, and has no place in the modern world.

I shall hereby disprove these notions, and show that they are based on nothing more than emotional sentimentalism, supported by distorted facts, that have no meaning to a logical mind. In so doing we need have no fear of being cast in bad company, since Lincoln, Madison, Jefferson, Monroe, Jackson, Grant, Clay, Webster, Douglas, even the composer Wagner, are some of the men who took similar stands.