World War II
How World War II Came About. Hitler forced into war against his wishes.
Anglo-German Naval Agreement, June 18, 1935
Three American Friends of Germany
How Internationalists used Minnesota to control the 1940 Republican Natl Convention
Amazing Operation Cerberus, Feb. 11-13, 1942
German Soldiers: Letters from the East
The Making of a Monster: How Jews created the Mengele Legend
Kraigher vs Kraigher - How Tito Escaped Hitler’s “Roesselsprung” Snare
The Nuremberg “Trials”, As Seen From Above (Actually “Tribunals”, not trials)
How British Psychological Warfare resulted in short-term victory but long-term loss for Europe
Germany-Poland Tensions
Time to drop war guilt against Germany
Poles demand more money from Germans
Gleiwitz False Flag incident is false (podcast)
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