Known Pedophile is Instrumental in Promoting Holocaust Hoaxer and Plagiarizer Denis Avey's New Book
By Carolyn Yeager, 2011
copyright 2011 Carolyn Yeager
Greville Janner, now Lord Janner of Braunstone, stands accused of pedophilia during the trial of Frank Beck in 1991. Janner, a well-known and well-connected British Jew, and a Labour MP from 1970 to 1997, has never answered the charges.
This is according to the C.H.R.I.S.-UK (Children Have Rights in Society) website in a copyrighted 2010 report. It tells us that Greville Janner, along with being the Chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust, the President of the Commonwealth Jewish Council, a former President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and Vice President of the World Jewish Congress, is also a member of the Magic Circle and of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
I wrote about this man and showed a picture of him in my article of April 28, "Why the BBC and Labor Government Cynically Backed the Denis Avey Holocaust Hoax, and Why They Won't Let It Go." Here are two other pictures of him.
Above top: Uri Geller poses with Greville Janner at his 80th birthday party. Note the Andy Warhol "Marilyn Monroe" print on the wall. This picture is from Uri Geller calls Janner an enthusiastic amateur magician and a dear friend. Above: a recent picture of Janner.
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Francis Lawrence, founder of the Campaign for Decency, wrote this about Janner in 2005:
JANNER is a child molester well known to the police. An active file on his activities has been maintained at Scotland Yard since even before the eruption of the Leicester Children's Home scandal of 1991 JANNER used the device of a "Personal Statement" to deny all the accusations against him. Statements to the House of Commons of this kind, apart from being covered by Parliamentary privilege, are exempt from the usual interjections *and questions* from other MPs. After making his statement JANNER was invited by the press to answer their questions *outside* the privileged confines of the House. He refused to do so, and refused to explain why.
Thus it may be seen that his subsequent claims to have been "cleared by Parliament of all accusations" is utterly untrue. JANNER ducked a genuine opportunity to clear his name by taking legal action against his former victim who, as a grown man, has re-iterated his evidence outside the protection of the witness box.
Instead of quitting public life, JANNER simply kept his head down for a while. Now, in the mistaken belief that the dust from the Frank Beck affair has settled, JANNER has had the impudence to take a leading role in the crusade to recover Holocaust Loot allegedly held in Swiss banks.
Frances Lawrence Campaign for Decency
Hon. Secretary: Andrew Hillier
64 Victoria Street
London SW1E 6QP, England
Tel. 0171-798-2259
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Above: On the 2009 Holocaust Memorial Day ceremonies in Britain, Prime Minister Gordon Brown signs the Holocaust Memorial Day book of commitment watched by Lord Janner, left, and survivors Ben Helfgott and Mala Tribich, right. Does Brown look like captured prey to you?
What the CHRIS website tells us about Greville Janner is mind-blowing! Here is the story:
In 1991, Frank Beck accused Janner of pedophilic behavior with a teenager who was in his (Beck's) care as warden of the Leicester Children's Home. But it was Beck who was arrested and charged with the sexual and physical abuse of children in his care over a thirteen-year period. At his trial Beck stated that: "One child has been buggered and abused for two solid years by Greville Janner".
Beck was referring to Paul Winston, who was just thirteen years old when he and Janner first met. Though Winston was able to describe Janner's home, the hotel rooms they had shared, and Janner's habits and person in detail, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Alan Green, also a Jew, let it be known that "for lack of evidence," Janner would not be prosecuted.
Ironically, Green himself was arrested for kerb-crawling (cruising red-light districts for solicitation of prostitutes) in Kings Cross a little while later. Furthermore, Green had come to the attention of the police previously for this same misdemeanour and was quietly given a formal warning. The scandal prompted his resignation from public office and the suicide of his wife.
In court, Paul Winston, who was, at the time of Beck's trial, a married man with children, stood up for Beck, as did several other witnesses, paying credit to his achievements and behavior, and confirming his testimony against Janner. Winston testified he was invited to Janner's home near Golders Green as a 13-year old, whilst Janner's wife was away, and this led to his sharing Janner's bed where they "cuddled and fondled each other." Thereafter Winston testified that, over the next two years, he was regularly sodomised by Janner.
Beck discovered what had been going on after Winston was put into his care, at which point he informed his superiors at Leicester Social Services. At one point, Janner visited the care home with a new bicycle for Paul but Beck denied him entry and would not allow the gift to be passed on. This was confirmed by another witness at the trial.
Even though Winston testified that Beck had counseled him over his relationship with the MP, and had brought the affair to an end, and had also had a beneficial effect on his life, Beck was nevertheless found guilty and sentenced to twenty-four years in prison, with five life sentences to run concurrently for his "crimes"! What the heck is going on in English courts, we may well ask.
What is going on seems to be "Jew power", the same kind of Jew power we saw at the Nuremberg Tribunals in 1946. Janner was never brought to court, nor was he ever called upon to testify. In 1994 at the age of only 52, after a game of badminton, according to prison officials, Frank Beck died suddenly of a 'heart attack' shortly before his appeal was due to begin. He was, by all accounts, a fit man at the time of his death. He never stopped protesting his innocence and Janner's guilt. Of Beck's two main solicitors, who believed in his innocence, one has since been killed in a road accident, and the other has been subjected to police harassment on a major scale.
The report of Beck's untimely death in The Independent UK on June 2, 1994 contained no mention whatsoever of Greville Janner. Nor is there any mention of this affair on Janner's Wikipedia page--suggesting a widespread cover-up by the British-Jewish elite.
Janner made a peer to escape being thrown out by voters
Several years later, in 1997, Janner was ennobled and took the title Baron of Braunstone. The man responsible for ennobling Greville Janner was Tony Blair (former Labor Party Prime Minister). As a member of the House of Lords, who are appointed essentially by the Sovereign on the recommendation of the Prime Minister rather than voted in as are the members of the House of Commons, Janner cannot be removed from office by the people.1 A "privilege" enjoyed by both Houses is that of freedom from arrest, although it is not total any longer.2
Greville Janner with Labour politician Tony Blair, probably in 1998. Note the Israeli 50th Anniversary poster on the wall behind Janner.
Placing him in the House of Lords is believed to have been done for the protection of Greville Janner, so that he can remain a respectable actor in British politics and society. We have to assume that Janner donated a hefty sum to the British Labor Party in order to be recommended for a peerage. Or did he use blackmail? Gordon Brown is himself accused of being a pedophile, and Tony Blair accused of covering up for senior members of his government, no doubt including his Chancellor of the Exchequer, Brown.
How closely can we connect Avey to Janner?
This child molester, Janner, is the man Denis Avey thanked, right after thanking his wife and Sir Martin Gilbert who wrote the short forward, in the acknowledgements in his book The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz. He thanks Lord Janner, Karen Pollack and the team at the Holocaust Education Trust for their "ongoing help and support," and writes "Their work is beyond value." After Janner, he thanks Gordon Brown. So not only is Avey a liar and a poseur of the worst sort because of his made-up stories about his time in the POW camp at Auschwitz, he has no problem associating himself and getting assistance from the lowest forms of humanity in the United Kingdom, such as Janner. It is not reasonable to think that, as a Brit interested in British politics, Avey had not heard something about the Janner scandal; certainly his co-writer Rob Broomby knew all about it. Tellingly, Broomby did not mention Janner or the HET in his acknowledgements.
It's no wonder Avey so recklessly accuses innocent people of crimes that occurred only in his own sick fantasies--he obviously has no standards or scruples by which he guides his life, in spite of all his talk about his solid 'country' upbringing in Essex, and being a 'man of principle.' Avey writes in Chapter One of his book, "I grew up in a world of moral certainties and I was expected to stand up for what was right. [My father] taught me to respect humans and animals." What about unprotected children? It is clear from his show of respect for Greville Janner and Gordon Brown that Avey is not a man who 'stands up' for what is right. Instead, he 'stands up' for personal profit and falsely asserting himself as a 'hero.'
Janner the magician
What kind of illusionism did the morally-bankrupt Janner perform to get the police and prosecutors to refrain from investigating him, and to go after Frank Beck instead, the CHRIS website asks? It answers that in the House of Parliament, Janner had simply uttered a general denial, defamed his principal accuser Paul Winston (behind the protection of Parliamentary privilege) and whined about his suffering! He was not asked a single question by any of the Members who heard him, nor did he have to endure detailed cross-examination as did those who gave evidence at Beck's trial because he was not called as a witness.
Did he by any chance assist Avey in his own illusionism of presenting himself to the British public as a war hero, and a man of grandiose deeds? Avey has also not been subjected to questioning or any kind of scrutiny. Those who have come out and said they don't believe him are quietly ignored by the press and the government hacks who named him a "Hero of the Holocaust." What a racket! And what a combination these two men make. Truly, we live in an age of delusion and corruption perhaps unparalleled in history.
An important point I want to make is that this revolting travesty of justice reveals the connection, in the clearest manner possible, between the Holocaust and Politics. In the United Kingdom, as similarly in the United States and the European Union, the Holocaust is used to give substance and credibility to the most unworthy politicians and political agendas. This is a scandal that when it really breaks open will reveal the slimy and deeply evil underbelly of the 'New World Order' created in 1945-46 with the totally falsified Nuremberg Tribunals and the on-going show trials that followed. One current example is the John Demjanjuk show trial which just ended.
In closing, I will add that Greville Janner, now Lord Janner of Braunstone, was born in 1928, married in 1955, and has, with his wife, three children and six grandchildren. He took over his father Barnett Janner's Leicester seat in Parliament, and also followed his father as Chairman of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain. A fine British family.
1) According to Wikipedia, There is no limit on the number of peerages the Sovereign (King or Queen) may create under the Life Peerages Act. Normally life peerages are granted to individuals nominated by political parties or by the House of Lords Appointments Commission, and to honor important public figures. There is currently no recognized way for a life peer to leave the upper House permanently and voluntarily.
2) Another privilege claimed is that of freedom from arrest; at one time this was held to apply for any arrest except for high treason, felony or breach of the peace but it now excludes any arrest on criminal charges. Wikipedia, Parliament of the UK.
Holo Frauds and Quacks- Printer-friendly version
- 40581 reads
some races are more law
some races are more law abiding than others....
Jews and Destruction of Our Courts
Australia is no different.
See also
I've nevver in my life ever
I've nevver in my life ever read of the Jews having titles such as Lord, Baron, Squire, Sire, etc. etc. They get them in the White Christian world and infiltrate our society, culture , government and all other forms of life while subverting it.
And we are paying for it because our history is a lie and our culture is being destroyed by these Satanic, Luciferian parasites of the world.