Holocaust Revisionism

SPLC is a hate group in disguise – time it was outlawed

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2017-04-02 22:59

Temple Beth Israel in Ann Arbor, Michigan where Dier Yassin Remembered has been carrying out weekly protests against Israel's apartheid policies.

By Carolyn Yeager

IS THERE ANY LOGIC BEHIND THE IDEA ONE WOULD ONLY QUESTION the Holocaust because one hates Jews and wants to harm them? Does anyone think that makes sense?

Apparently, the Southern Poverty Law Center does.

Deir Yassin Remembered (DYR), a local group in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has been placed on a list of hate groups compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) under the subcategory of Holocaust denial. The group has been staging weekly protests outside Temple Beth Israel in Ann Arbor.

According to SPLC director Mark Potok, in a local Michigan radio interview:

“Holocau$t i$ fake hi$tory” is not anti-Semitism

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2017-03-11 23:01

This neatly written phrase was spray-painted on a synagogue outer garden wall in Seattle's upscale Capitol Hill neighborhood Thursday night. It's being treated as a hate crime and blamed, by extension, on President Trump, but where is the hate?

By Carolyn Yeager

A REPORT AT THE HILL headlined it “anti-Semitic vandalism” and repeated that it is an “anti-Semitic act.”

The Seattle Times used the words “toxic expression” and “anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying graffiti.” It may be holocaust-denying, but it is not anti-Semitic. The two are not the same.

Rabbi Daniel Weiner of Temple De Hirsch Sinai must be rubbing his hands with glee. A neighbor, thinking s/he was doing a good deed, covered the graffiti with a sheet on which was written “Love Wins”, but the rabbi took the sheet down.

“It was a very sweet gesture and touching, but we took it down … I think it’s extremely important that people see this.”

WJC takes credit for Amazon's book banning; promises more to come

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-03-10 11:14

World Jewish Congress CEO Robert Singer speaks at a conference in Budapest, Hungary in 2013.

By Carolyn Yeager

THIS IS THE STATEMENT RELEASED THURSDAY by World Jewish Congress CEO Robert Singer praising the banning of an entire category of historical revisionist books by Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos. As you will see, Jews do believe (and want us to believe) that Jewish interests come before the interests of all others – especially the interests of the “notorious bigots of our time,” those White European-Americans who want to study and correct inaccuracies in the official historical narrative.

**Singer is a typical international Jew, born into a family of refuseniks in 1956 in Chernivtsi, Ukraine; moved from there to Israel with his family at age 15 (1971). At some point he came to America to study, receiving a Master of Science in Management Engineering from the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut in 1996, and taking courses at Harvard and Columbia business schools between 2005-2008. He became CEO of the WJC in 2013. **

My underlining. I will put my further comments below.

Shock: Amazon deep-sixes all Holocaust Revisionist books; begs for a boycott

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2017-03-08 12:10

Quit making this man rich.

By Carolyn Yeager

IN A MIDDLE FINGER TO AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL FREE-SPEECH TRADITIONS AND LAWS, Amazon.com has wiped all Holocaust Revisionist books from its website. Seemingly overnight, this assault on Truth has taken place, obviously in conformity with the international Jewish lobby against truth in historical research and publishing.

Jeff Bezos (pictured above) is worth around 80 BILLION dollars from the growth of the publicly-traded company he founded and owns. Amazon succeeded because of its liberal policies, but now that has changed. You'll look in vain for any of the Holocaust Handbook series edited by Germar Rudolf that had been available on the site, while you'll have no trouble finding all the books arguing for the 'Holocaust', including the emotional, anti-historical diatribes of Deborah Lipstadt. 

Must watch: Vincent Reynouard challenges British authorities over new UK Holocaust museum

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2017-02-26 15:11

This is the site given up to British Jews for the new museum - none other than Victoria Garden in front of the Victoria Tower, a part of Westminster Palace, the most iconic piece of architecture in all London. Imagine the power exerted for this to happen!

UK Holocaust Memorial Museum: I challenge the British Authorities
Next year, a Holocaust Museum Memorial will be built in the heart of London, near the Parliament. In this video, a French revisionist, Vincent Reynouard, challenges the British authorities. He asks:
   1) for the Memorial's designer to provide proof, a single element of proof that confirms the existence of "gas chambers" at Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Sobibor or Belzec.
   2) for a public debate between revisionists and historians to discuss the value of this evidence. 


or on the PHDNM site

Carolyn's comment:

Björn Höcke apologizes for Holocaust speech; Compact interviews Andreas Wild

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2017-02-18 17:41

L to R: Andreas Wild, Björn Höcke, Hans-Joachim Berg of the Alternative fur Deutschland party in Thuringia.

by Carolyn Yeager

DISAPPOINTINGLY (BUT FOR THE SAKE OF PARTY HEALING OBVIOUSLY), the leader of the AfD in Thuringia state took a step back and, while speaking at a state party meeting today (Saturday) in Arnstadt announced, “"I took a big, important topic and unfortunately turned it into beer hall talk. That was a mistake. For that, I would like to apologize here."

He was referring to a speech in Dresden on January 17 in which he correctly described the grotesque Berlin Holocaust memorial as a “monument to shame” and said Germans should instead be encouraged to look forward to a proud future, not always back to a past of only 12 years length. Those words were well-received by the AfD youth organization to which he was speaking, but naturally brought loud criticism from the center and left political parties and establishment Jews.

Jewish Paranoia: Vincent Reynouard answers a Jew, in English

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2017-02-14 13:52

Vincent Reynouard narrates in English! A real treat to be able to watch a Reynouard video without reading subtitles rather than looking at the images. Although, the subtitles are there in case you have trouble now and then with his French accent. Vincent's admirable and successful efforts to communicate are appreciated.

In this new video, he replies to an anonymus emailer, a Jewish viewer who accuses Reynouard of provoking anti-Semitism and promises him prison.  Reynouard explains why always crying "anti-Semitism" (which remains the principal strategy of the liar unmasked) risks leading the Jewish people into the abyss. 

My comment: This is a very important topic. Study of the Jewish involvement in the creation of 'Holocaust' propaganda myths reveals that everything is used by them to defend against their actual #1 fear - real anti-Semitism. World Jewry elites don't really fear another Holocaust, they fear the world will stop believing in the one they invented. Rather than admit the lie, the common Jews are indoctrinated to believe in a long history of persecution and to  point the finger of blame always away from themselves and call it anti-Semitism. This will have bad consequences for Jews in the long run, says Reynouard.

Watch on youtube.

A History of the World Jewish Congress

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-02-10 19:54

by Carolyn Yeager, February 2017

IF U.S. PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP CAN BE ATTACKED AS "HITLER" (called racist, hater, genocidal dictator) it's because the WW2 propaganda lies about Hitler have never undergone rational discussion in the general public, been treated with objectivity, and in so doing been discredited. Instead, even those on the political right, the “conservatives”, White nationalists and White identity groups and individuals in general have quietly caved in to the “Holocaust” narrative for all these years.

The crass lies, false rumors and wartime fake intelligence reports continue to be spread via the (((media))), (((entertainment outlets))), (((academia))) and (((publishers of history books))) with minimum resistance. This cowardice in standing up against this trash-talk is responsible for the situation we're in now in the U.S. and Europe – with an historically ignorant, brainwashed population convinced that to protect and strengthen one's nation, to show preference for those residing within your own national borders in the same way you show preference to your own family members over strangers, the same way you safeguard your home against intruders, is wrong, even evil, because it's “what Hitler did.” And look what happened there.

It's not just the Jews … says critic

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2017-02-04 20:57

The 1948 World Jewish Congress in Montreax, France, the year Israel became a state.

By Carolyn Yeager, February 2017

MY PREVIOUS POST (The World Jewish Congress and the Auschwitz Myth) got a response from “Joe” on another discussion space that I want to reply to here in a more thoughtful manner than I did there. Joe wrote:

It's not just the jews who are heavily invested in this yarn...without it World War ll would have been fought in vain; it's what gives the conflict its overwhelming moral dimension. Churchill lost an empire as a consequence of destroying Satin incarnate. Without Auschwitz  his war mongering would have not been vindicated. The reputation of Roosevelt would  also have been relegated to the toilet if not for the Holocaust. He saw the '' danger '' when the American public did not and marched his country into an unnecessary  war . Furthermore,  the terror bombings of the Anglo- American air forces can only be justified by the existence of the death camps. 


Many of you might generally agree with Joe on first reading, but I disagree. And I want to tell you why. Who but Jews are “heavily invested” in this yarn, as he calls it, to the point of actively propping it up not just year after year, but day after day. Is it the US or British governments, or the Army, Navy or Air Force doing this? No. Their “investment” rarely goes beyond honoring the anniversaries relating to the 2nd World War, which includes honoring the fallen and the veterans. None of this includes the Holocaust.

The World Jewish Congress and the Auschwitz Myth

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-01-27 13:20

For three days in January, 2017, the World Jewish Congress was allowed to have this installation operating next to the “Monument to the Victims,” the main tourist attraction at Auschwitz II – Birkenau.

By Carolyn Yeager

So long as the Auschwitz Myth retains its terrible power, the recovery of our national self-esteem is virtually impossible.

This sentence was written in 1979 by Wilhelm Stäglich, a Finance Court judge in Hamburg and former Army officer whose duties in 1944 put him in contact with the SS command at the Auschwitz main camp. Even though 38 years have passed since 1979, Germans have still not regained their self-esteem in 2017. The Auschwitz Myth and “its terrible power” is the reason.

The World Jewish Congress (WJC) not only virtually created the myth but since has led the campaign to keep its handiwork alive. It is in the interests of World Jewry to keep not only Germans but as much of the white world as possible in a belief of everlasting guilt for unspeakable crimes against the Jewish people. This means, 72 years after the so-called liberation of Auschwitz, the memory of the myth must remain fresh and alive. Thus, the WJC played a major role in getting a resolution passed in 2005 at the United Nations for a day of commemoration to “honor the victims of the holocaust” and, once accomplished, continues to participate strongly every year at remembrance ceremonies at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial/Museum in Poland.
