Holocaust Industry Exposed

Latest from Robert Faurisson: Two items of good news

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-11-11 21:12

Two items of good news: the diary of Alfred Rosenberg and the film "Son of Saul"

Two items of good news, one after the other, for the revisionists: the publication, at last, in French of top National Socialist official Alfred Rosenberg’s diary and the film by Hungarian director László Nemes, Son of Saul

The publication, finally, of Alfred Rosenberg’s personal journal reveals nothing about the existence of a policy of physical extermination of the Jews but, on the contrary, confirms the will of the Third Reich’s leaders to see the Jews disappear one day from Europe to go and create a Jewish national home in Madagascar or elsewhere. Let us recall that Rosenberg [shown above right] was, notably, Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories, where the Einsatzgruppen (intervention groups) operated, in charge – we are told (with fake evidence in support!) – of exterminating the Jews. He was hanged at Nuremberg.

Terrific short video from Vincent Reynouard on the European Court, with English subtitles

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2015-11-08 16:55

The European Court of Human Rights - Instrument of dictatorship

A month ago, on October 15, 2015, the European Court of Human Rights "vindicated" Dogu Perinçek, the Turkish "negationist" of charges that he "denied" the Armenian genocide. Some saw in that ruling the logical possibility that this court would also accept similar challenges to the "Holocaust" on the same grounds.

But no. In this 15-minute video, Vincent Reynouard clarifies that the claim for "freedom of speech," which is guaranteed by the French and European Constitutions, will never, under current governments, be applied to speech about the "Holocaust" or "Shoah." He explains that this is because questioning the Shoah is uniquely equated by the Court with questioning democracy, and questioning democracy is an attack on the legal basis of the state ... supposedly a form of sedition. Seeing that there is no way around this for "Holocaust" revisionists at the present time, Reynouard advises that we give up on the Freedom of Speech approach and look for a different one.

Idiot Netanyahu invents new story of who "burned" the jews

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-10-21 22:06

Netanyahu-Merkel press conference in Berlin on Oct. 21, 2015

Netanyahu hates the Palestinians so much that he's now tryng to make them equally guilty with the "Nazis" for exterminating 6 million of his precious jews during WW2.

In a meeting with Jewish leaders yesterday, he said the World War II-era Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, played a "central role in fomenting the final solution" by trying to convince Hitler to destroy the Jews during a 1941 meeting in Berlin.

"Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews," Netanyahu told the group. "And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, 'If you expel them, they'll all come here.' 'So what should I do with them?' [Hitler] asked. He said, 'Burn them.'"

Horst Mahler is out of prison, but not free

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-10-07 11:30

It is reported that 79-year-old dissident Horst Mahler was released from prison on Sept. 3rd after serving 2/3 (10 years) of his sentence, but will remain on probation for four more years. The probation terms are no doubt why we hear nothing from him, and nothing is or will be written about him in the media. He has been effectively silenced.

He is also critically ill. His left leg was amputated in prison because of neglect of his health by prison officials. His home needs some refurbishing to accommodate his now disabled status. It is up to the truth-for-Germany community to contribute to the financial needs of our courageous comrade. Here is how you can help:

Now what? More bullying in national internal affairs by holocaustianity heavies

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2015-09-26 11:47

Sanatorium Fuerth, Vienna: A former hospital which allegedly belonged to Stephan Templ's family before it was  "stolen by the Nazis"; in other words, reclaimed by the legitimate Austrian State government of the time. It was returned to Templ's mother after a restitution claim was approved.

The heavy hand of International Jewry has fallen again in the form of 75 "holocaust scholars" (what a joke) who have warned the Austrian ambassador in Washington D.C. that his country better not go through with the imprisoning of Jew Steven Templ for fraud against the state or bad things will happen.

A letter organized by the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, whose committee includes Elie Wiesel, was signed by the usual culprits: Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Michael Berenbaum, a former research director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Walter Reich, first director of the USHMM, and Deborah Lipstadt, aggressive bully at large. No other names were reported so I can't say whether there are only Jews on the list, or just mostly Jews. In any case, they are Jews who pretend that they are scholars, and get away with it.

Bully Jewess DNC chairwoman shows the problem with Jews running America

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2015-09-25 19:46

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, DNC Chairwoman and Congresswoman from Florida, has condemned Sen. Marco Rubio for going into a house that contains two Adolf Hitler paintings. And on Yom Kippur too!

Isn't it time to quit letting every Jew count for more than anyone else?

Jews want to run America as if it were Israel. They think a politician's views on their Big Lie “Holocaust” are the test of his/her fitness to represent Americans in their government.

And, as a matter of fact, it's not only one's actual views, but just some peripheral association with items of National Socialist origin that will bring out virulent attacks that are reminiscent of the reigns of Lavrentiy Beria and Josef Stalin, who were such favorites of Jews like Debbie Wasserman's grandparents in their day.

This particular Jewess, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, claims active memberships in the National Jewish Democratic Council, Planned Parenthood, and Hadassah (Women's Zionist Organization of America), which shows her interests are entirely Jewish-oriented and anti-White. 

In Auschwitz open your eyes: new video with English subtitles

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-09-23 23:45

Vincent Reynouard produces a brilliant 40 min. video with English sub-titles for students and all people who will be traveling to Auschwitz-Birkenau for the first time. While special teachers "prepare"  high school students by having them first close their eyes and imagine the horror that is described to them in order that they will have an emotional experience and "see" what they are "supposed to see," Reynouard tells them to open their eyes and use their critical judgement about what they see while they are there.

The Big Lie that is behind pre-conditioning impressionable young people to believe that everything they see at Auschwitz-Birkanau has the most beastial and horror-filled meaning is exposed by Reynouard. He promises a Part 2, dealing with the gas chambers, still to come.

Please watch the film, "In Auschwitz, open your eyes and don't listen to the guides" (1) here.

ADL seeks pardon for Jewish "holocaust restitution expert" - follows Leo Frank pattern

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2015-09-17 18:41

Stephan Templ, headed for jail despite his Tribe's best efforts

The Jewish Forward reports that Austria's president DENIED a request from the Anti-Defamation League to pardon a Jewish journalist/author facing jail time in Austria for omitting to name his estranged aunt, who owned a share of the property, from his family's application for holocaust restitution.

Stephan Templ applied for restitution on his mother’s behalf in 2005. He was successful and his mother later managed to sell her share of the building for £870,000. [The property the Jews say belonged to them has so much sentimental value for them, doesn't it? They always immediately sell it.]

Andrew Srulevitch, ADL's assistant director for international affairs, sent the plea to nullify the prison sentence of Stephan Templ to Austrian President Heinz Fischer. The Austrian Supreme Court had in May rejected Templ's appeal of his April 2014 conviction of fraud against Austria. Though he was sentenced to three years in jail, it was later reduced to one year. But even one year is too much for the Jewish brotherhood, served by the ADL.

Anti-White Pope covers crucifix and bows to secular Jewess

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2015-09-10 19:30

Picture of the Day: Rivkah Would Not Bow

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin paid a visit to Pope Francis in Rome, accompanied by his personal secretary Rivkah – an Orthodox-Jewish woman. When a person usually greets the pope, they shake his hand and bow down. But when Rivkah’s turn came to greet the pope, she explained to him that for religious reasons she could not shake his hand, nor could she bow down since he was wearing a cross. The pope then covered his cross with his hand, and bowed down to her!

This is taking Christian humility too far! Picture and text come from this gloating Chabad Lubavitch website.

According to Paul Westman, who learned of this story from Michael Hoffman's website and who researched the event to check out it's accuracy (it's accurate), Rivka Ravitz, 39, is  the chief of staff to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin (the man standing in the photo nearby). She is an Orthodox Israeli Jew with 11 children that are presumably her own by birth--i.e., none adopted. She married early, at 18, and began having kids. You can learn more about her in an interesting 3.5-min. news story-style video posted on an Orthodox Jewish website.  https://www.ou.org/life/inspiration/mother-of-11-ph-d-candidate-and-israeli-presidents-chief-of-staff-meet-rivka-ravitz/

David Irving on the purpose of his tours

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2015-09-06 01:28

Asked "What is the purpose of your tours?" he answers:

"People confused by the conflicting versions of history, who want to ask questions: why the Jews were victims, and what is the truth? More and more people contact me out of the blue and don’t know what to believe. I take them to the sites of Operation Reinhardt, the worst killing operations, and let them see for themselves."

See what? A pile of rocks? Irving has rocks in his head.

Belzec today

Treblinka today

Sobibor today (photo credit: Alan Collins, from Scrapbook Pages.com)

All designed to give a gruesome effect to what are very unremarkable places. Be sure to take lots of pictures, folks.
