Holocaust Industry Exposed

Shock: Amazon deep-sixes all Holocaust Revisionist books; begs for a boycott

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2017-03-08 12:10

Quit making this man rich.

By Carolyn Yeager

IN A MIDDLE FINGER TO AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL FREE-SPEECH TRADITIONS AND LAWS, Amazon.com has wiped all Holocaust Revisionist books from its website. Seemingly overnight, this assault on Truth has taken place, obviously in conformity with the international Jewish lobby against truth in historical research and publishing.

Jeff Bezos (pictured above) is worth around 80 BILLION dollars from the growth of the publicly-traded company he founded and owns. Amazon succeeded because of its liberal policies, but now that has changed. You'll look in vain for any of the Holocaust Handbook series edited by Germar Rudolf that had been available on the site, while you'll have no trouble finding all the books arguing for the 'Holocaust', including the emotional, anti-historical diatribes of Deborah Lipstadt. 

It's not just the Jews … says critic

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2017-02-04 20:57

The 1948 World Jewish Congress in Montreax, France, the year Israel became a state.

By Carolyn Yeager, February 2017

MY PREVIOUS POST (The World Jewish Congress and the Auschwitz Myth) got a response from “Joe” on another discussion space that I want to reply to here in a more thoughtful manner than I did there. Joe wrote:

It's not just the jews who are heavily invested in this yarn...without it World War ll would have been fought in vain; it's what gives the conflict its overwhelming moral dimension. Churchill lost an empire as a consequence of destroying Satin incarnate. Without Auschwitz  his war mongering would have not been vindicated. The reputation of Roosevelt would  also have been relegated to the toilet if not for the Holocaust. He saw the '' danger '' when the American public did not and marched his country into an unnecessary  war . Furthermore,  the terror bombings of the Anglo- American air forces can only be justified by the existence of the death camps. 


Many of you might generally agree with Joe on first reading, but I disagree. And I want to tell you why. Who but Jews are “heavily invested” in this yarn, as he calls it, to the point of actively propping it up not just year after year, but day after day. Is it the US or British governments, or the Army, Navy or Air Force doing this? No. Their “investment” rarely goes beyond honoring the anniversaries relating to the 2nd World War, which includes honoring the fallen and the veterans. None of this includes the Holocaust.

The World Jewish Congress and the Auschwitz Myth

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-01-27 13:20

For three days in January, 2017, the World Jewish Congress was allowed to have this installation operating next to the “Monument to the Victims,” the main tourist attraction at Auschwitz II – Birkenau.

By Carolyn Yeager

So long as the Auschwitz Myth retains its terrible power, the recovery of our national self-esteem is virtually impossible.

This sentence was written in 1979 by Wilhelm Stäglich, a Finance Court judge in Hamburg and former Army officer whose duties in 1944 put him in contact with the SS command at the Auschwitz main camp. Even though 38 years have passed since 1979, Germans have still not regained their self-esteem in 2017. The Auschwitz Myth and “its terrible power” is the reason.

The World Jewish Congress (WJC) not only virtually created the myth but since has led the campaign to keep its handiwork alive. It is in the interests of World Jewry to keep not only Germans but as much of the white world as possible in a belief of everlasting guilt for unspeakable crimes against the Jewish people. This means, 72 years after the so-called liberation of Auschwitz, the memory of the myth must remain fresh and alive. Thus, the WJC played a major role in getting a resolution passed in 2005 at the United Nations for a day of commemoration to “honor the victims of the holocaust” and, once accomplished, continues to participate strongly every year at remembrance ceremonies at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial/Museum in Poland.

It's that time again ...

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2017-01-25 09:42

The 4th Annual Commemoration in Honor of the Revisionists Who Introduced Sanity to the Auschwitz “Death Camp” Narrative is celebrated on Friday, January 27.

This year's theme is “Exploring the Origins of the Auschwitz Legend.” As the media continues to huff and puff in support of the United Nations-created “International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust” (a resolution that was pushed through the UN general assembly by Israel in 2005 with only a voice vote), the reality is that the 'gas chamber' stories have long been exposed as fabrications.

USHMM takes on the Alt-Right

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2016-11-23 22:22

Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor and Kevin MacDonald talking about White people's interests in relation to Pres-elect Donald Trump inspires images like this to the United States Holocaust Museum staff.

Hadding Scott has posted a good article at the CODOH website in response to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's over-reaction by Andrew Hollinger concerning Richard Spencer's Saturday night NPI conference in Washington D.C. Hadding writes:

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is obviously not just a museum, but has a mission of political propaganda in service to specifically Jewish interests. On Monday, 21 November 2016, the museum issued a public condemnation of statements reported to have been made by Richard Spencer in a speech at a conference of his National Policy Institute two days earlier, just a short distance from the USHMM. The museum declared itself “deeply alarmed” and called for action.

The text of the declaration makes clear that the author of the museum's proclamation did not even bother to make a careful determination of what Spencer had said, but simply trusted accounts given by news-media. The USHMM really did not have to rely on press-reports, since the conference was streamed live on YouTube, and the content was accessible immediately afterward. Because the USHMM relied on news-media, its account of what Spencer said is not entirely accurate. Continue reading at Codoh.com

New! Yehuda Bacon memoir at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2016-10-01 16:18

Another surlievor memoir—more Mengele, smoking chimneys and senseless murder from Yehuda Bacon

Yehuda Bacon says he drew this ‘portrait’ of his father going up in smoke at Auschwitz when he was 16 years old. He became an artist and teacher, known for his fantastical holocaust images.

By Carolyn Yeager

Bild, Germany's most popular tabloid, has reported on a newly-published memoir by yet another holocaust surlievor, the “world-famous” artist, Yehuda Bacon (not be be confused with Yehuda Bauer of Yad Vashem). Yes, Bacon is the surname of this Orthodox Jewish man, apparently honestly come by in case you're thinking it's a bad joke. Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Response to Bernie Farber's “Denial” editorial in the National Post

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2016-09-22 18:45

By Carolyn Yeager

BERNIE FARBER IS THE FORMER LONG-TIME DIRECTOR OF THE CANADIAN JEWISH CONGRESS, therefore a long-time fighter for Jewish interests. After retiring, he is now CEO of another Jewish organization, the Mosaic (as in Moses) Institute. His father was a Polish Jew who says he lost his first family in the “Holocaust,” while he alone survived and came to Canada.

Farber praises the new Deborah Lipstadt film “Denial” in his Sept. 20 editorial in the Canadian National Post, a newspaper of which he is a semi-regular contributor. He confidently sets out to demolish David Irving and holocaust revisionists, knowing he will receive no blow-back for telling lies. And lies he does tell, while utilizing the familiar method of accusing those he is lying about of being liars. Yes, it is pure Jewish argument.

Ursula Haverbeck: The Hooton-Plan and the Migrant Crisis

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2016-09-20 18:19

Watch! The Hooton Plan
and the Migrant Crisis

SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH BY DIDI 18, this is an almost 30 minute video by Ursula Haverbeck explaining why Europe is being invaded ... it's all in the Hooton Plan!

Only one book describing the Hooton Plan is still available, but only in German. Ursula tells us that four of the five points of the Jewish plan for Europe are already completed, so there is no time to waste.

She begins by saying that the 20th Century has been called “The Jewish Century” by two prominant writers, one of whom is Yuri Slezkine, who wrote a book of that title. He said the plans for the upcoming century were set at the 100 year Memorial Congress of 1889 [Memorial for the French Revolution of 1789]. The plan included:

New book just out on “Holocaust” by Dr. Thomas Dalton challenges basic beliefs

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2016-09-15 15:20

By Carolyn Yeager

AS NEW HOLOCAUST MUSEUMS CONTINUE TO BE BUILT, as more schools add compulsory “Holocaust education” to their curriculum, and more governments cave under the pressure to give legal protection to this WWII atrocity propaganda campaign turned official history – it's Thomas Dalton to the rescue again.

His new book is titled The Holocaust – An Introduction, Exploring the Evidence. It is a basic presentation intended to simplify the questions asked by educated thinking persons, explain why they're asked, and point out the lack of answers from the Holocaust historians. No one can do this better than Thomas Dalton, in my estimation. His previous book on the subject, Debating the Holocaust, did a fantastic and fair job of presenting both sides, and was therefore widely read. Now he has turned again to the effort to make the subject understandable to every reader, and hopefully to get the attention of those who have been led or coerced into believing the case is closed.

Another farcical holocaust trial begins in northeastern Germany

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2016-09-13 03:08

Hubert Zafke arrives at court in Neubrandenburg, assisted by his three sons.

By Carolyn Yeager

THE GERMAN JUSTICE SYSTEM CONTINUES TO SERVE JEWISH VENGEANCE as the “holocaust' trial of Hubert Zafke got underway on Monday … sort of. It was scheduled to start in February at the Neubrandenburg state court in northeastern Germany, but had been postponed three times due to the health of the 95-year-old WWII veteran.

Zafke was pushed into court in a wheelchair by three of his four sons, whose discontent with the process was written on their faces (according to the Der Spiegel reporter). The elder Zafke suffers from poor hearing, but still lives independently at home in a Mecklenburg village, thanks to family help. The reporter also said the court didn't seem very interested in trying the case.
