White Nationalism


Published by admin on Sun, 2022-08-21 14:37


White Nationalism

A life well lived—Richard Edmonds dies

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2020-12-25 23:57

It is very sad to have to report the passing this past Wednesday, Dec. 23, of Richard Edmonds, a friend of this site and a fixture in British Nationalist politics since the 1970s. Very few people knew Richard was ill, but he had not been seen publicly for the past couple of weeks due to a worsening heart condition. Richard was 77, born in 1943 in Hounslow, Middlesex, England.

He contributed enormously to the British Nationalist movement, both in the early BNP (British Nationalist Party) and later joining the National Front, where he long held the important position of National Organizer under the famous John Tyndall's leadership. Richard experienced his share of political persecution along the way, but never considered leaving the movement or slowing down his activism.

Why I'm calling for a boycott of Black Privilege

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2020-06-09 11:36

Confrontation in Minneapolis during latest BLM riots in June 2020.

By Carolyn Yeager

THERE'S A LOT OF TALK IN WHITE NATIONALIST CIRCLES of “the White race.” Whites this, Whites that. White people are still in the majority in what have always been known as white countries in Europe, North America and Australia. Yet it feels like non-Whites are moving in for the kill in these very stressful days we're now living through.

What are we to do about it? The most important thing we need to do is recognize we hold the power to put ourselves back in the driver's seat, and without any violence taking place or harm to anyone! It's we who have given blacks all the power they have and we don't have to keep doing that.


Race, White Nationalism

United States now officially non-White, according to Congress

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2019-01-14 20:39

Eight-term congressman from Iowa Steve King is facing serious reprimand from his own Republican Party, which feels obliged to step in and speak up against his "too loyal" defense of white western civilization and "White Nationalists." It looks like King will be another victim of our misguided 20th Century historical narrative.

By Carolyn Yeager

IT'S OFFICIAL--THE UNITED STATES must now be called a non-White nation because on this everyone can approve.

With the Republicans' panicky reaction to a New York Times story on GOP Congressman Steve King's moderate response to being called a “White Supremacist,” we must accede the point. In an article in the New York Times, King is reported as having allegedly said, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilizationhow did that language become offensive? Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?” [We are not sure he said “supremacist,” but even if he did ...]

Greg Johnson's Counter-Currents has blocked me from viewing its web site

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2018-05-12 11:25

SINCE YESTERDAY, FRIDAY MAY 11, I HAVE BEEN GREETED WITH A WHITE SCREEN by Cloudflare with the large words Error 1006, Access Denied. Then, in smaller size:

The owner of this website (counter-currents.com) has banned your IP address (my IP address correctly given).

Hmm, mystifying, as I hardly ever go to that site; it's not one I regularly visit. I did earlier in the week though and saw an article discussing Kevin MacDonald's email exchange with Nathan Cofnas that I wanted to check out but not right then. When I returned on Thursday to do so, I got a 503 service unavailable page.  When I tried again on Friday (yesterday) I was confronted with the 'Access Denied' message and it is still there. Permanent, I suppose. No great loss for me, but I wonder what it means?

As I said, I seldom go there, nor have I said anything about Greg Johnson one way or the other, or related, for quite some time. I have never been a financial contributor. Could it have something to do with that? If someone sends me an email address for Johnson or his webmaster, I will write and ask.

In the meantime, has this happened to someone else? Any follow-up information would be appreciated, either on the contact page or in the comments below.


White Nationalism

Thoughts for the New Year 2018

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2018-01-01 17:50

Looking for an image for this difficult-to-illustrate post, I came across this one and found it was attached to a very good essay written in 2014. I read it, having already completed my essay below, and think it is an excellent complement to my own thoughts. So I highly recommend you read it too.

Whatever happened to the Truth Movement?


Are we living in a climate of anti-truth?

by Carolyn Yeager

TRUTH HAS ALWAYS BEEN SAID TO BE SELECTIVE. That is, we select that which we hold to be true because it agrees with us for a number of reasons, and on the same grounds we hold its opposing position to be false, often without actually having a clear understanding of why.

When it comes to the question of the viable ongoingness of the European people and our culture on this planet, we face that problem of truth. How important is it? Is it better to have the right strategy, or to seek power, or to work toward a larger following? Should we try to defeat our enemy outright in battle or should we use stealth to insinuate ourselves into increasingly powerful positions? The arguments can go on endlessly. And truly, I have gotten weary of all this theorizing in article after article about how to approach the issues, how to respond, how to, how to …

We will miss you, Paul

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2017-11-07 21:15

Sven Longshanks sent me an email on November 1st titled 'Paul', in which he kindly informed me that he had second-hand information, but he was pretty confident in it, that Paul Hickman had died. He thought I should know and when he got confirmation of it, and the circumstances, he would let me know. I was shocked and saddened by this news, and didn't want to report anything about it until some confirmation came. A few times I did a search on Paul's name, but nothing came up. Until today. Several sites have posted the information, so now it is a fact.

Paul and I were good friends. This started before he became a host on The White Network. We kept in touch after that mainly via Skype. Our last skype conversation was on Sept 18 – he sent me a photographic copy of a notification he had received from the court detailing the final charge against him. On it, he was checked off as White European. It read:


White Nationalism

Carolyn on John Friend's Realist Report again

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2017-10-23 15:25

Six of the 26 Orthodox Jews arrested for substantial welfare fraud during the June-July sweep by the New Jersey Ocean County prosecutor's office. Don't you think these people should be in Israel?

ON SUNDAY, OCT. 22, I HAD THE PLEASURE of speaking with John Friend again on his Realist Report podcast. We discussed the situation in Lakewood, New Jersey (see my posts for Oct. 19 and Oct. 21 on this page) and how it is a prime example of the way Orthodox Jews living in White democratic societies subsidize their traditional life of male religious study by cheating our generous welfare programs.

The recent elections in Germany and Austria came up for some explanation as to how they are adding momentum to the political move toward the right and anti-immigration in Europe. We also had a lively conversation about Richard Spencer's latest appearance at the University of Florida and the "Alt-Right" in general. From there, we moved to Mark Weber (who declined to be a guest on John's podcast) and to Kevin MacDonald. So much to say,  so little time. But I think it is a good program and hope you will listen. 1h17m

When are White people going to stop making Jews rich?

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2017-10-10 19:16

Harvey Weinstein (standing), Michael Kors (center seated) and Donna Karan (right) share a joke at the amfAR New York Gala in 2010. AmfAR is The (American) Foundation for AIDS Research. Could that be Kors' partner at left?

By Carolyn Yeager

HERE IS A PICTURE OF THREE very successful Jews yukking it up at a New York Gala in 2010.

We all know Harvey Weinstein, a celebrity Jew movie producer. Stein is pronounced like “mine,” as in a stein of beer, but for some reason, probably because they think it sounds less Jewish, Jews want to pronounce it as “steen.” So everyone in media does. Isn't it odd though, that 'wein' and 'stein' are spelled the same, but we don't say “Weensteen”, do we.


Jews, White Nationalism

Let's demand mothers Susan Bro and Donna Soto appear together at public event

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2017-09-20 14:01

One of several comparisons of two mothers of "murdered daughters" - murdered at the hands of so-called white haters or white psycopaths - which convinces me they are the same person 5 years apart ... playing a role. Notice how the natural part in her hair is even in the same place. Follow links below.

By Carolyn Yeager

SINCE ONE MOTHER ALLEGEDLY LIVES IN VIRGINIA and the other in Connecticut, anyplace in between would be a logical location for a meeting. Washington D.C. in a senate or house hearing room would be ideal.

After looking at presentations of the two moms, I am sufficiently convinced that they are the same person. The evidence is overwhelming. See here, here, here and here. If they are not, they can prove it by appearing together in a public forum. If the cry goes up that that is “too insensitive,” and the two refuse to appear together, we will know it is really because they can't, as they are indeed one and the same person.
