
Second AfD politician suffers automobile arson attack

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2020-03-11 02:35

More news from AfD's web page ...

ON MARCH 10, AN ARSON ATTACK WAS DISCOVERED on the car of the AfD provisional Berlin party chairman Nicolaus Fest. The State Criminal Police Office has taken over the investigation. On the same night, a restaurant used temporarily by the AfD for events was also attacked.

Recently, the car of the AfD Federal President Tino Chrupalla was subjected to an arson attack in Saxony. Nicolaus Fest said that neither he nor the party would "back away because of radical leftist violence." He accused the other parties of "inconspicuous smear campaigns against the AfD". While the controlled media in Germany runs stories about the threat of "far-right" violence, the constant violence coming from the Left is ignored.

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Latest immigration news from the AfD in Germany

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2020-03-06 21:16

This current poster reads "We warned about this: Refugee Crisis 2.0!  EU and Merkel must act immediately!  Support the Greeks!  Consequences for Turkey!"

FROM THE ALTERNATIVE FÜR DEUTSCHLAND WEBPAGE, where public statements by party leaders are regularly presented because the established media in Germany ignores the AfD politicians unless they can be characterized in an anti-democratic fashion. The same situation that sends Donald Trump to Twitter! So I thought I'd bring these few to you that I found on their site today. -Carolyn

On March 5th, Federal Board Member Beatrix von Storch said: "Merkel's refugee deal with the Bosporus blackmailer has failed."
She says Erdogan understands only a politics of strength.

Hatred of minorities or Love of country and kin?

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2020-02-21 19:02

Tobias Rathgen, the Hanau gunman, recording a short video that he posted online. He left behind a 24-page “script” detailing recollections of his life and his “racist, sexist” worldview, according to the media. It's been confiscated by authorities and we will probably never be allowed to see it, instead be fed quotes by the media, or possibly a radically condensed version after it's been carefully studied. This man should have mailed it to someone if he wanted it to be known.

By Carolyn Yeager

The recent “shooter” incident in Germany that resulted in 11 deaths is being predictably hyped for all it's worth as an indictment of “Right-wing” thinking. Equally, it is being used as a slamming blow against any revival of German identity and German pride. See how it is being covered on Deutsche Welle, Germany's national broadcaster.

Seventy-five years after the Dresden war crime, still no justice

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2020-02-12 20:40

In memoriam ...

This digital composite image (click to enlarge) shows a statue on the tower of City Hall looking down in compassion at the ruins of the city center wrought by the British-American firebombing of February 13, 1945 as well as the same scene on February 12, 2015 to the left and the right. This area that was the cultural pinacle of historic Germany and the Third Reich has become a parking lot. I think there is a song that goes something like that. The vast majority of the city was devastated by the Allied firebombing of February 13-14, 1945. 

For more photos like this, go here. [photo courtesy The]  For previous Dresden Anniversary posts, go here.

Anti-Semitic art? Or historical treasure? Wittenberg Judensau is saved.

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2020-02-06 01:13

The famous Judensau (Jews' sow) relief sculpture at Martin Luther's church in Wittenberg, Germany has been spared by a court from being taken down. It's an example of folk art that appeared first during the 13th century in Europe, and remained popular for over 600 years.

By Carolyn Yeager

THE ABOVE IMAGE IS THE MOST FAMOUS EXAMPLE of the Judensau in Germany. Since 1305, it has adorned the State Church of Wittenberg where Martin Luther nailed his “95 theses” to the door in 1517. German Jews have since 1988 been on a campaign to remove and destroy such ancient artwork because, for them, it is offensive. Many churches have complied with Jewish wishes and removed their own Judensau sculptures, woodcuts and engravings.




Art & Culture, Germany, Jews

What's wrong with Germans? President Steinmeier exemplifies it perfectly.

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2020-01-26 16:42

Germany's President bows deeply before the "6 million" at the Jerusalem Forum last Thursday. Deutsche Welle's opinion writer Marcel Fürstenau believes that the President "was right to take responsibility and clearly call out the "evil spirits" of the daily anti-Semitism found at home in Germany." Read it. Government and media together obviously relish this kind of image being sent around the world.

By Carolyn Yeager

AT THIS TIME OF UNLEASHED HOLOCAUST-HOLOCAUST-HOLOCAUST in the month of January, there is no breast-beater who takes greater pleasure in submerging Germans in eternal guilt and shame than Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Germany's president under Chancellor Angela Merkel since March 2017.

Steinmeier is no patriot. His allegiance is to a higher, greater cause: the European Union-global-Jew-controlled-post-war Order and to enforcing the United Nations narrative of World War II.

German farmers unhappy with 'Green Deal' restrictions

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2020-01-17 13:41

 Lines of about 200 tractors from four surrounding areas descend on Berlin's Straße des 17. Juni, near Brandenburg Gate on Friday. The Victory Column is in the background.

HUNDREDS OF TRACTORS CLOGGED GERMAN CITIES on Friday as farmers vented their frustration over environmental regulations. The states where convoys of farmers were out in force were Bavaria and Baden Württemberg in the south, Hesse in central Germany and Lower Saxony in the north, as well as Bremen and Berlin.

The protest coincides with International Green Week, an annual food and agricultural fair that started today (Friday, Jan 17) in Berlin.


European Union, Germany

'Special Treatment for Poles' necessary to reach EU Green Deal

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2019-12-15 15:08

All smiles as European leaders Merkel and Macron greet each other in Brussels ahead of pushing the deadline for "climate neutrality" to 2050. They ended up allowing Poland to exempt itself from the agreement.

By Carolyn Yeager

THE COMMITMENT TO ACHIEVE CLIMATE NEUTRALITY BY 2050 (after having failed to reach the previous 2030 target) was agreed to by all at the current climate summit in Brussels … except for Poland. Deutsche Welle reported:

“Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced he had secured an exemption from 2050 climate neutrality” even though “the bloc had offered generous funding [of 100 Billion euros!] for regions that would be most affected by the fossil fuel phaseout.”


European Union, Germany

Ursula Haverbeck denied early release commonly given to all prisoners in Germany

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2019-12-13 13:03

Ursula Haverbeck at age 89, prior to being incarcerated in a German prison. She turned 91 in November.

By Carolyn Yeager

This is the bare-bones report published Dec. 12 by the Associated Press:

BERLIN (AP) — A German court decided Wednesday that a notorious 91-year-old neo-Nazi serving a two-year sentence for Holocaust denial shouldn't be released early.

Ursula Haverbeck was convicted of incitement by a court in the northern town of Verden in 2017 and started serving her sentence last year.

Outrage by usual suspects over anti-fascist organization losing its nonprofit status

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2019-11-27 13:34

A demonstrator carrying the VVN organization's flag with the red triangle symbolizing political prisoners, mainly communist, in front of the former Buchenwald concentration/internment camp entrance in Germany.

By Carolyn Yeager

THE LONG-RUNNING SCAM OF a “holocaust camp survivors organization” that dates back to 1945 may be coming to an end.

The Union of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime/Federation of Antifascists (VVN-BdA), is being denied its nonprofit tax benefits status by Berlin because it was cited as a left-wing extremist organization or group by the Bavarian state domestic intelligence agency. According to a report in Der Spiegel magazine, German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz is keen to cut tax benefits for groups that try to influence political debate.
