Women - Health

The Heretics's Hour: The Conquered Germans

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-03-09 01:34

March 9, 2015

Carolyn looks at two items that arose in the news this past week that illustrate the continuing inabllity of Germans to assert their rights to respect and equal treatment 70 years after the war.

One is a new book on the rape of German women by U.S. troops during and after WWII; the other is the bullying of the German Federation of Expellees by the Polish and Czech governments into giving up all claims of compensation for the loss of their supposedly universal “right of return.”

She ends on a note of discouragement as to the likelihood of a future world that she would want to live in.

Image: Ex-president of the Federation of Expellees Erica Steinbach speaks with the new president Bernd Fabritius. Enlarge

The Heretic's Hour: Circumcision - An Idea Whose Time Has Passed

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-09-18 01:35

Sept. 17, 2012

Carolyn Yeager starts up an anti-circumcision awareness campaign by reviewing the ‘cons’ of circumcision (there aren’t any ‘pros’ ) – while our mass media and medical establishment refuse to mention that there are any ‘cons.’  Female circumcision is banned in every White European-descent country, but not male circumcision. The easy answer as to why: because Jews practice male circumcision as a religious rite.

Topics include:

  • The lack of any positive benefits from circumcision beyond vague health claims that don’t withstand scrutiny;
  • Stopping Jewish terminolgy – the word’ intact’ used in place of ‘uncircumcised;’
  • Original purpose of circumcision was to reduce sexual pleasure;
  • U.S. has highest circumcision rate among White countries, but it has come down drastically since it’s peak in 1965;
  • Problems in boys, from ADHD to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome may relate to circumcision;
  • The banning of circumcision by a regional court in Germany and all the ramifications that have followed;
  • The history of circumcision in Jewish scriptures;
  • Alan Dershowitz cries “Shame on Germany!

Avoid GMO foods with the ‘TRUE FOOD’ SHOPPING GUIDE

Published by admin on Sun, 2011-11-20 19:54

 You may be surprised to learn that you have a 75 percent chance of picking a food with genetically modified (GM)* ingredients when you’re at the supermarket, including baby food. This is because at least seven out of every 10 items have been genetically modified! 

Does this shock you? It should, because you probably don’t know the extent to which GM crops are being substituted for what we’ve always thought of as naturally evolved  food crops (see Dr. Mercola’s article below). If you’re already well aware of the dangers of GM foods, go directly to the Shopper’s Guide at True Food Now.


Women - Health

The most dangerous additive: MSG

Published by admin on Sun, 2011-11-20 19:49

A silent killer that’s worse than alcohol, nicotine, and drugs is likely lurking in your kitchen cabinets and even your child’s school cafeteria. It’s monosodium glutamate (MSG), a flavor enhancer that’s known widely as an addition to Chinese food, but that’s actually added to thousands of the foods you eat.

Why? Because MSG, as dangerous as it is, makes food taste good and it is dirt cheap, just like sugar.

Acid & Alkaline Food Charts

Published by admin on Mon, 2011-10-10 22:23



Women - Health