The White Network

Tanstawful opts out, or is it cops out? Says tweets are enough.

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2015-09-11 14:48

After doing very little on his Age-of-Treason website during July and August, Tanstawful has produced a podcast telling his listeners that he is basically retiring from the White Nationalist struggle. The reason given is that his life and attitude have changed. He doesn't give any clues as to what that “change” is but does mention his job. Since he told me in late 2013 or early 2014 that his job was part-time, either he has changed that status, taken a second job, or this is simply a handy and impossible-to-refute excuse that anyone can give to “beg off” from things they don't want to do. I suspect he just doesn't feel he's getting enough psychological reward from it. Here is what he said [You can also listen to it on the player above]:

Announcement on comments addition

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2015-09-08 17:41

I am adding the original comments to the program posts of the radio shows I did at The White Network when it was functioning. I have completed all the posts at Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn, and the few at Hitler's Table Talk so far. You will see it as “1 comment” because I am the one posting the entire group of comments, whether they be 8 or 50 or more. And you can now add a new comment of your own, if you like.

It is a time-consuming labor, but worth the effort to me. I want those who wrote comments to my shows to have them visible where people will actually see them. I will begin next on The Heretics' Hour, and end with The International Jew Study Hour. I'll just point out here that I produced 278 radio shows totaling 463 hours for The White Network. That contrasts to Tanstaafl's 97 radio shows totaling only 48.5 hours, meaning I did 10 times the program hours that he did! So what gave him the idea it belonged to him and he could shut it down?

Some of you might know that I tried to cooperate with Tanstaafl on making his TWN-archive complete, but he rudely refused my offer. Thereupon, I blocked his access to my audio programs and am in the process of making complete instead !


The White Network

The Heretics' Hour: "Tanstawful's Mistake" in trying to own The White Network and ditch Carolyn Yeager - part 1

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-08-31 19:43

August 31, 2015

A SPECIAL PRESENTATION by Carolyn Yeager in response to falsifications made against her on The White Network-Archive by Tanstaafl (Tanstawful), and untrue, self-serving statements made by him during radio interviews and written in a recent blog post. 58min

Bill Rhyes interviewed me on his "Might Is Right" Power Hour

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2015-08-23 00:27

August 22, 2015

On August 20, I was the guest on Bill Rhyes Thursday night radio program on Talkshoe. He asked me about my work and my thoughts on National Socialism, the holohoax, and Adolf Hitler; also on The White Network, White genocide, the 14 Words, the IHR and Christianity.

Bill is a passionate and tough defender of the White race and advocates the Lone Wolf approach. I felt very comfortable with him and enjoyed doing the program. I was especially grateful for the opportunity to respond to what Tanstaafl had said when he was on Bill's show just about a month ago. We'll see what comes from that.

I hope you enjoy what I think is a laid back, but interesting program. 2hr20min

The Heretics' Hour: Europe commemorates WWI Centennial

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-08-05 00:50

August 4, 2014

Carolyn Yeager describes the speeches and comments by the current leaders of the countries that participated in World War 1:  Britain, Belgium, France, Russia and Germany/Austria. In the second hour, a report from Paul Hickman on the Ehrenmarsch for the victims of Bad Nenndorf in Germany and more on Adolf Hitler's Platterhof speech. Some highlights:

  • British Prime Minister David Cameron takes the prize for continuing to argue that a "great moral cause" was being fought for in the Great War;
  • Vladimir Putin also finds it impossible to find any fault with Russia in starting that war;
  • Reports show that armed troops of both France and Russia crossed the border into Germany on August 2, the day before Wilhelm II declared war on France;
  • NPD organizers of the Bad Nenndorf Memorial March want a plaque at the site to commemorate the Germans tortured there by the British;
  • Veronica Clark's comments at The White Network reveal her changing story and questionable sources;
  • An examination of the entire Platterhof speech shows that the racial question makes up only 1/12 of the content and contributes to the larger discussion of building up a stronger German Folk.

Image: Depiction of the Battle of Doberdò, fought in August 1916 between the Italian and the Austro-Hungarian armies. Enlarge

'Tanstaafl's irreconcilable contradictions

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2014-05-21 19:58

Regarding what I spoke about at the beginning of the 2nd hour of this program: , I here make some further observations in reaction to 'staafl's non-reply reply to my email to him noting that his blog Age-of-Treason has made available to its readers/listeners eight podcasts of Carolyn Yeager's The Heretics Hour.

Update 5-25-14: 'Staafl' has now found 8 more programs of mine that he participated in and has posted every one of them on his blog. Sixteen altogether! He has even made a special list of 20 programs he calls "Interviews and conversations with others," sixteen of them are with me and on my program The Heretics's Hour (perhaps one or two on Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager. That makes it 80% of all his guest appearances during the past 3 or 4 years! But oh, po' liddle 'staafi, he had such a hard time with that awful "jew-quoting" Carolyn Yeager, didn't he. He had to steal the network away from her to break free, he was in such a big hurry.


The White Network

'Tanstaafl' joins the Metapedia Mafia ...

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2014-05-21 08:26 allowed to rewrite and lock The White Network page to reflect his own views.

By Carolyn Yeager
copyright 2014 Carolyn Yeager

In his unflagging quest to create a totally false and prejudiced image of me, Carolyn Yeager, in order to justify his senseless act of shutting down TWN on 4-15-14 ...the annonymous blogger known as 'tanstaafl' [from here on known as 'staafl'] has followed me to Metapedia and become an editor there … just as he has followed me into what was new territory for him previously.

Several things to say about this:

  1. I had been talking on my radio shows about how I was editing The White Network page (which was put up not by me but by the User NatAl175 on Sept. 11, 2013). 'Staafl' heard me talking about this and hurried over to become a User himself. Being a professional computer programmer, he naturally has the advantage in knowing the technical ins and outs to accomplish what he wants. 'Staafl' joined Metapedia and did this editing on May 19, just two days ago.

The Heretics' Hour: German Reich, May 1945

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2014-05-12 18:18

May 12, 2014

On a stormy night, Carolyn starts out with some discussion about her latest experiences with Metapedia and, separately, Alexa website rankings, then settles down to a detailed overview of what took place in the German Reich during the month of May 1945. Included:

  • Differences over how the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reichs are designated;
  • May 1st, new Reichspraesident Karl Doenitz gives his first nationwide radio address, vowing to continue the war "to save Germany from the advancing Bolshevik enemy";
  • Donitz' government moved to Flensburg in far Northern Germany because it was still under German control;
  • May 7th, Eisenhower threatened to close the front for retreating soldiers and civilians if a general unconditional surrender was not signed immediately;
  • May 12th, last battle of the war (Battle of Slivice) by FM Schoerner's troops trying to cross over the American line to surrender;
  • May 23rd, the entire Flensburg Gov't is arrested (about 300 officers and civilians in all) and designated as prisoners of war;
  • June 5th, the four Allied powers declare their supreme authority over Germany at state, municipal and local levels;
  • Nashi (Ours!) is Putin's anti-fascist youth movement formed in 2005 to demonstrate against what he saw as the growing power of "Nazism" in Russia;
  • It is funded by the Russian state budget to the tune of 200 million rubles a year and contributions from pro-government business owners;
  • The new political party "Smart Russia" is associated with Nashi, whose interest is to foster a more modern, competitive Russia.

Image: Well-known photo of the arrest of the Flensburg Goverment on May 23, 1945. Walking in front is Reichspraesident Karl Doenitz, followed by Col General Alfred Jodl (left) and Economics Minister Albert Speer (right). Click to enlarge.

Why did "Tanstaafl" shut down The White Network?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-05-03 21:14

By Carolyn Yeager

“I have decided, without consulting with or seeking Carolyn Yeager's consent, that The White Network will no longer be used to record or broadcast any new programs. There will be no further posts or comments.” -April 15, 2014, The End

This says it all … it tells the whole story of “who did it” and that it was a unilateral decision and act of treachery on the part of 'tanstaafl' against me. He reaffirms this and also gives the only answer he's ever given as to WHY he did it in the following written statement from him:

“The White Network started and operated for almost two years* as a joint project, the product of a partnership between Carolyn Yeager and myself. I ended that project and partnership …. when it became clear to me that the mutual understanding and trust on which it was based had ended. -April 28, 2014, Why this Archive (*Considering when we began, it was over two years)

These two statements from 'tanstaafl' are all we need to make it clear that he did indeed, all on his own, without my knowledge, shut me out and shut down The White Network for reasons that remain nebulous, in spite of all his shifting parade of justifications.


The White Network

Letter and comment to "Tanstaafl"

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2014-04-30 11:41

I emailed a letter to “Tanstaafl” last night. He has posted it on his illegal, to which he keeps adding more commentary as it suits him.

When I saw that he had linked to the letter in a comment on Age of Treason, I wrote a comment in response, which has now been approved after 6 hours time.  I am also publishing my comment here:

"Let the record show that ...." [says Tan]

And Tan continues to add his anti-Carolyn material to what he calls "the tWn archive" frozen on 4-15-14. Not so, and it will continue to be not so. If Tan were an honest broker he would remove all his added content, and even his last blogpost "The End." Then it might represent a fair picture of tWn. He can post all his other stuff on his blog, as I do on mine.

Since he is using this "archive" against me, I will make an issue out of his use of The White Network name, which always did and still does belong to me. It was even entirely my idea in the first place. Tanstaafl is a thief. He should stop being a thief, first of all.


The White Network
