Elie Wiesel

The Heretics' Hour: "Miss Holocaust Survivor" and How to Debate the Holocaust

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-07-02 19:40

July 2, 2012

Carolyn Yeager points to some of the more ludicrous aspects of the “Holocaust Survivor Cult” that pervades every aspect of Western  society.  In the last half-hour Friedrich Paul Berg joins in to explain the importance of debate on the Holocaust. Topics included:

  • The Miss Holocaust Survivor Beauty Pageant in Haifa, Israel (pictured right) and Holocaust cookbooks;
  • Ideas for more Holo entertainment from Giuseppe Furioso;
  • Elie Wiesel video making an impact;
  • Wiesel’s “Holocaust Survivors Memoirs Project;”
  • Austrian government asked to send more money to Jews living all over the world;
  • Yad Vashem and Vatican reach questionable compromise on Pope Pius XII;
  • America’s #1 zombie industry: War;
  • Debating with holocausters — most important points to make.

 Note: This program is less than 2 hours long because of some technical difficulties that were edited out.

Elie Wiesel repudiates his Hungarian Merit Award over ideology

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-06-20 09:18
Elie Wiesel is making news again by repudiating and returning (or did he?) a Hungarian Government award he received in 2004. By this gesture, he apparently hopes to intimidate independent nation-states to take into consideration Jewish Power – Holocaust-Power – in every decision they make. Wiesel also likes to gain public attention for what he alleges to be the crimes of the Nazis and their collaborators.

The award Wiesel is returning is the Republic of Hungary’s Order of Merit, Grand Cross presented to him by president  Ferenc Madl in 2004. Let’s hope he never gets it back.

Wiesel said last week that he was “outraged” that Hungarian House Speaker Laszlo Kover participated, together with Hungarian Secretary of State for Culture Geza Szocs and far-right Jobbik party leader Gabor Vona, in a re-burial ceremony in Romania honoring author Jozsef Nyiro, who was a member of the Arrow Cross Parliament during the 1930′s.

“It’s just too close to home,” Wiesel told an Associated Press interviewer.  In a letter to Kover, he wrote “It is with profound dismay and indignation that I learned of your participation” with Szocs and Vona in a ceremony honoring “a fascist ideologue of the Horthy and Szalasi regimes”.

Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Rick Adams interviews Carolyn Yeager

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-06-14 09:51

June 13, 2012

Carolyn discusses her new broadcast network The White Network, WWII and Holocaust hoaxery, and her research and writings at Elie Wiesel Cons The World with host Rick Adams. Several callers in the 2nd hour.

Elie Wiesel sponsors petition that assaults Greek and European democratic independence

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-05-31 17:47

Europe (above) should be wide open to all comers, according to Elie Wiesel, EGAM (European Grassroots Antiracist Movement) and SOS-Racisme.org.

 By Carolyn Yeager

Elie Wiesel wants you to sign a petition that proclaims “We are all Greek Jews. ” It in essence will mean that you approve that  Greek voters  (and voters in every other European nation) must comply with the wishes of the Jewish community in their nation when it comes to their political choices.  This is such insanity that the world media are not even carrying the story. The Guardian was chosen to publish the petition as a news story, but it has not spread very far.

Carolyn Yeager's new radio network: The White Network

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-05-21 14:40

May 21, 2012. Hour 1 on bottom; Hour 2 on top. Carolyn Yeager on "Spingola Speaks" with Deanna Spingola, to announce her new radio venture: The White Network. Discussion of the need for more forceful White advocacy in light of the U.S. turning majority non-white. Separatism vs. Supremacism. Why culture matters. Discussion also turns to Carolyn's Elie Wiesel Cons The World website.

Elie Wiesel adds a new twist to his Buchenwald liberation tale

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2012-05-20 10:32

By Carolyn Yeager

To cry or not to cry, that is the question.

Elie Wiesel, as usual, cannot make up his mind.

On May 6, he gave a major speech (for big bucks) at Xavier University in Cincinnati, brought there by the Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education.  A reporter who covered the speech wrote that Wiesel said this:

Wiesel recounted his rescue from the concentration camp by the U.S. Army and said he remains grateful.

“We cried,” he recalled. “We discovered for the first time that we could cry.”

But in an interview that was published on the following day, May 7, on NBC New York, Wiesel said the opposite to reporter Gabe Pressman:

He told me about the day the American army came to liberate the prisoners,

How the prisoners “wanted to cry but they didn’t know how to cry… if you cry, you will never stop so they didn’t even do that.”

So which is it? Did they cry or didn’t they? It seems you get to choose which version you like best.

Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Elie Wiesel Knows Soviet “Liberators” Destroyed the Birkenau Crematoriums

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-05-10 13:22

By Carolyn Yeager

The official Holocaust narrative versus Elie Wiesel on what is Auschwitz liberation day

 The photograph above is a still photo from a Soviet propaganda film about the Auschwitz liberation.  The clothing warehouses, known as “Canada,” are burning. But who set them on fire?         


The official Holocaust narrative has it that the Red Army did not arrive at the Auschwitz labor camps until January 27th, 1945—where they found some of the barracks burning, and also blown-up crematorium buildings which had housed “gas chambers.” This is the date that is commemorated all over the world as the Liberation of Auschwitz.

However, on page 87 of the novel Night it is stated that the Russians “liberated” the inmates who were left behind at Monowitz (Auschwitz III) on January 20th, two days after the bulk of the prisoners left on the one-day forced march to Gleiwitz, from where they took  a train to Buchenwald.

Little New in Wiesel’s Speech at Xavier; Robert Ransdell Gets Attention

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-05-08 18:28

By Carolyn Yeager

Reportedly “thousands of students” listened to Elie Wiesel on Sunday night, May 6,  in the  Cintas Center in Cincinnati as he intoned his usual theme: “We haven’t done enough; we still haven’t learned from the Holocaust.” [Right photo shows one section of the Cintas auditorium interior, which is home to the Xavier basketball team.]

Who does he mean by “we”? Why, white western (European) man, of course. Not Jews. Nor any other non-whites. They are the ones dying “of famine or of disease or of violence.” As he said, “Every minute today, somewhere in this world a child dies” from one of these three causes, and he asked “How is that possible in a civilized society?”


Elie Wiesel, Jews

Computer program judges “Elie Wiesel in Buchenwald” to be 30-36 years of age

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-04-18 02:05

A Swedish reader has informed this website of a new computer program that gives the approximate age of a person by scanning their photograph.  Scroll down the linked page to see six examples.

Our reader took advantage of the website’s free demonstration offer and tested two faces from the famous Buchenwald liberation photo taken on April 16, 1945.  Nikolaus Grüner is in the lower left of the FBLPhoto,  and in the background is the round-headed man who is claimed to be Elie Wiesel. These are the results the computer program gave him.

Above:  Estimated age 16 years (exactly the age Grüner was at the time)

Above:  Estimated age between 30 and 36 years (Elie Wiesel was only 16 at the time)

Elie Wiesel condemns Günter Grass for "going too far"

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-04-14 16:51

By Carolyn Yeager

Wiesel rushes to the defense of Israel once again, proving he is always a political person ahead of being an artistic person.

Zionism has always come first for Elie Wiesel. You might even say all his writing has been in the service of Zionism, one way or another. Now a poem made public by one of Germany’s most famous novelists is causing an uproar in the Jewish/Israeli world, of which Wiesel is an integral part. The poet is Günter Grass; the poem’s title is “What Must Be Said.” It is a criticism of Israel’s nuclear capability and it’s willingness to use it against Iran.

In an article in the New York Daily News, Wiesel for the second time in the past month, speaks out on a controversy affecting Jews and Israel. While Wiesel is often portrayed as a kind of suffering saint who stays above the fray in his capacity as “teacher” and one who represents “victims of the Jewish holocaust” for the sake of greater humanity, this has never been the case in reality. He is a scrapper and a partisan in every circumstance involving Israel. Everything he does is done to advance the interests of World Jewry. This latest article makes it clear enough.

It is titled “Guenter Grass’ buried hatred comes to light.” The subtitle brings out that “He once served in the Nazi Waffen SS; today, he is attacking Israel.”
