Elie Wiesel

Saturday Afternoon: Anti-Yom haShoah - One Holohoax Memorial Day is enough in the U.S.!

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-04-06 12:40

April 4, 2013

Carolyn’s main point is that allowing Jews the opportunity to attain power and prestige in White society prevents our ever being able to correct the historical record, including the part called the “holocaust.” This is The Jewish Problem that must be faced … and discussed. If we would discuss it, we would find how few are willing to deal with The Jewish Problem. Examples that are used:

  • The United States alone in the world follows Israel in annually observing a 2nd holohoax remembrance day – Yom haShoah on the 27th of Nisan (Hebrew calendar);
  • This special day and week observance was mandated by Congress in 1979 by unanimous vote in both chambers;
  • It was followed by the creation of the U.S. Holohoax Horror Museum (USHMM) in Wash. D.C., which was then put in charge of promoting Yom haShoah observances throughout the country;
  • The USHMM is a nest of pro-Israel Jews, an Israeli outpost in the U.S. — along with two other government  agencies: Human Rights and Special Prosecutions in the DOJ and Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism in the Dept. of State;
  • The ADL,  celebrating its 100th Anniversary this year along with Yom haShoah, says it’s dedicated to making OUR [read THEIR] country more welcoming to differences;
  • How Jews move up the academic ladder via Judaic religious schools and the instigation of Jewish Studies Programs Waltzer and Wiesel looked at;
  • Vladimir Putin is not a friend to honest WWII historical revisionism.

Image: Weighed down with medals, “WWII veterans” participate in last year’s Yom haShoah Week ceremony at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. This is representative of the farce quality of the whole thing.

Is it time to call Ken Waltzer a fraud?

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-01 12:13

By Carolyn Yeager

Kenneth Waltzer is a professor of history  at Michigan State University since the early 1970′s. He helped to create the Jewish Studies program which opened in 1992, and which he heads. In the photo at right, he is looking at a Buchenwald registration card at The International Tracing Service in Bad Arolsen, Germany. Waltzer has been researching into evidence of a special ‘boy’s protection program’ run by prisoners at Buchenwald for going on 10 years now. As an “approved” researcher, he is allowed to peruse all the files there, something that is made much more difficult, if not impossible,  for revisionists .

Waltzer is considered one of the top scholars in the U.S. of the ill-named holocaust  but his work has been sloppy, and his attempts to cover up the sloppiness amount to fraud. This, along with his continual promotion and defense of Elie Wiesel as a Buchenwald survivor, is what has drawn me to study him ever more closely.

Because of the seriousness of the charge I am making against him, I will list right up front my reasons for thinking it is time for such a call. They are:

  1. Waltzer habitually tells fibs in the form of false information which is intended to mislead. When called out for it, he tells more fibs to cover for the first ones.
  2. He has been in the service of the Holocaust Industry, not academic rigor and truthfulness, from the very start of his career.
  3. He knowingly defrauds his students, his university and the public (you and I) with his dishonest “holocaust scholarship.”
  4. While he is drawing high pay as a tenured American professor of history at MSU, he is working to advance the State of Israel.

I am going to show that these charges have a strong basis in fact. Fraud is commonly understood as dishonesty calculated for advantage. A person who is dishonest may be called a fraud. In the U.S. legal system, fraud is a specific offense with certain features. (see here)

Please continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

The Heretics' Hour: Time to Blow the HoloHoax Out of the Water

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-03-25 20:28

March 25, 2013

The way to do it is for us to drop the fear of being "antisemitic." The greatest fear Jews as a race have is the fear of being expelled from their host countries, especially the USA. Thus, every displeasure we have with them is labeled "antisemitic." In addition, the last regime that attempted to expel them has to be portrayed as evil to the nth degree. This is what the HoloHoax is all about - it's about making sure a mass deportation never happens ... again. Thus, debating about gas chambers is probably (assuredly?) not the most important thing to do. Most important is to quit trying to make friends with Jews, but see them for the enemy they are. Evidence for this is overwhelming. A few examples:

Image: Recent official photo of Ken Waltzer from his new Jewish Studies Program webpage at Michigan State University

Does Elie Wiesel Speak Hungarian?

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2013-03-22 06:28

By Carolyn Yeager

The answer might be:  Barely.  Or rudimentarily.

Elie Wiesel is known for putting big ones over on the American (and other English-speaking) people , so it is no surprise to us that he is also faking his knowledge of Hungarian. I had already noticed that on the rare occasions he is shown speaking that language, he doesn’t go beyond short phrases or even just one-or-two-word questions and answers. Not being linguistically gifted myself, I didn’t feel I could say much about it.

Image right: The pretentious Tom Lantos Human Rights Prize for 2010 was presented to the pretentious Elie Wiesel (shown with Lantos’ widow) in November 2010. [Photo by Babette Rittmeyer & Brittany Smith]  More about Tom Lantos below.

But now a Hungarian-American reader named John contacted me about the video “Elie Wiesel Goes Home.” He began by watching the short segment (2 min 29 sec) that is available on Youtube.  He noticed discrepancies right away.

Continue reading this article at Elie Wiesel Cons The World


Elie Wiesel

Why doesn't Elie Wiesel Sue Me for Libel?

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-03-13 15:14

By Carolyn Yeager

Have you ever wondered that? I sure have. If the website Elie Wiesel Cons The World is telling lies about him, it would be the natural thing to do. In the same vein, if Elie Wiesel has the number A7713 tattooed on his arm, as he says he does, it would be very easy to show it to the world and put me out of business. It is inexplicable that he doesn’t do it if he could. The only logical conclusion is that he can’t … because he doesn’t.

Not only does Elie Wiesel not sue me, he doesn’t go after Nikolaus Grüner either, who called him a liar before I did. Grüner did try to sue Elie Wiesel, though, but was prevented from doing so by the courts and legal systems that protect Wiesel according to Zionist orders.

I’m told the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum closely follows this blog. I have said many negative things about the museum, too. For instance, that it is a criminal conspiracy to  defraud the American people — certainly to defraud the American taxpayers out of fifty or so million dollars a year.  I have accused the USHMM of blatant lying, of perpetuating false information even after it knows it is false, of creating an atmosphere of hate against anyone Jews don’t like. And, yes, of being totally run by Jews for Jewish interests — not the interests of history — very similar to the OSI (Office of Special Investigations) in it’s disreputable and downright illegal tactics.

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Elie Wiesel to speak at Ohio Kent State University in April

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-03-03 15:27

By Carolyn Yeager

Kent State President Lester Lefton said the university is expecting thousands of people from across the region to attend on April 11, 2013 when Elie Wiesel speaks as part of the  “Presidential Speaker Series.”

The PSS is a  project only in it’s second year that  “seeks to bring high-profile, world-renowned experts to Kent State for serious, thought-provoking discussions and conversations,” according to the KSU website. But will there be discussion and conversation with Wiesel while he is there? I’m sure not, as Wiesel never takes any questions from an audience (or from anyone anywhere) since so many people have gotten wise to the big fraud he is perpetrating. Wiesel will be whisked in and whisked out through secret passageways with no chance for anyone to interact with him. Expect security to be very tight.

The speech will be given at Kent State’s main campus at 7 pm  in the Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center (pictured right), which is located at 1025 Risman Drive, Kent, OH 44242. Detailed directions from all points can be found here. The center has a capacity for 6,327. Assuming an average of $10 per person, that could add up to $63,270. How much of that will Elie Wiesel get?

Please continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Elie Wiesel was unknown to Mel Mermelstein in the Buchenwald Camp

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-02-24 12:09

By Carolyn Yeager

According to our esteemed correspondent Attila Kovacs, his reading of Mel Mermelstein’s survivor story reveals no mention of the famous Elie Wiesel, even though the book first came out in 1979 when Wiesel and his own story was already well-known among the general public.

The first edition [top photo right] was 264 pages, published by Crescent Books. In 1981, a second edition of the book [lower photo right] came out, following Mermelstein’s dispute in 1980 with the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) over his claimed proof that even a single Jew was gassed at Auschwitz.

The second edition of By Bread Alone was published by the “Auschwitz Study Foundation” and retains the same cover design, but with some new text added referring to the author’s successful lawsuit. It is expanded to 290 pages from 264 pages in the first edition – an increase of 26 pages to include the lawsuit story. The new cover texts reads:

who, in 1981,  filed a lawsuit for 17 million and 50 thousand dollars against the Institute for Historical Review, a Torrance, California-based organization of revisionists and pseudohistorians who claim the Nazi Holocaust is nothing but a hoax, a Zionist plot.

Continue reading this article at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Two New Posts at "Elie Wiesel Cons The World"

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-02-06 16:16

Feb. 6, 2013

Cover of survivor’s book features Buchenwald Lie-beration photo without standing man.

By Carolyn Yeager

Once again, a helpful commenter on this website has brought us an important discovery. Thanks to Attila Kovacs, I looked up Mel Mermelstein‘s 1979 “survivor memoir” titled By Bread Alone: The Story of A-4685 and discovered just what Kovacs reported — that the Famous Buchenwald Liberation Photo that is on the cover of the book (with Mel’s face circled in red) does not contain the tall standing man. In Kovacs’ words: “What is not shown on the cover photo is the tall man standing on the right leaning on the post. The post is there, but why then not the man standing?” Good question.

I’m sorry I cannot offer a larger image of the book. The best I could find was at Amazon.com (shown right) but you can clearly see the post on the right edge of the picture, with no one standing beside it – just dark, empty space.  Kovacs continues, “On page 208 of the book, the same photo is reproduced, but magically the tall standing man is included in this photo. What the heck is going on?”

What seems to be going on can be explained this way:  Elie Wiesel was not identified in that photograph until the 1980′s.  As I have written elsewhere, it was a decision made to increase Wiesel’s chances for a Nobel Prize. He wanted one, and his supporters began in 1983 to lobby the Nobel committee and plant news stories that he was being considered for either the Peace Prize or the Literature Prize. In 1986, the Peace Prize was awarded to him. The first thing he did as follow-up was to travel to Yad Vashem holocaust memorial in Israel to express his appreciation and get photographed in front of a wall-size blow-up of that famous picture.

Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

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Elie Wiesel leads the Democrats’ cry for universal gun control.

By Carolyn Yeager


Elie Wiesel at the United Nations in January 2005. This is the photo accompanying his gun control comments in the New York Daily News.  If he looked this bad then, what does he look like now, 8 years later. Is that why we don’t see him any more?

If Massacre of 20 children in Newtown doesn’t bring gun control, what will? by Elie Wiesel

So reads the headline in the New York Daily News on Dec. 17, 2012 – just three days after the Sandy Hook, CT,  shooting event. Okay, I’m pretty late in commenting on this Elie Wiesel story but I just now happened upon it.  The Daily News is as Jewish as it gets for a “mainstream” paper and we know (or can see) that removing American’s constitutional gun rights is part of the Jewish agenda that it is promoting.

We can see that the Jewish Mafia that runs this country put their big gun Elie Wiesel on it from the get-go. Even though Wiesel’s byline is attached to this story (he’s a journalist, remember), I suspect the words have been partially scripted for him and he just adds  his own flavor and style to them. The news story reads (my comments in blue):

Disbelief, horror, revolt: This is what we all felt when the news arrived. By its magnitude and cruelty, it surpassed everything else. We were not ready for it. Earlier tragedies should have immunized us. But they didn’t. Not to this violence, to this bloodshed. Oy vey, The Children!

A young man assassinates his mother with her own weapons. Then, he goes to an elementary school and murders 20 children, one after the other, firing more and more bullets into their small bodies.  Just three days after the event, he is sure of this. The story was prepared ahead of time, and was given out almost one hour after the deed supposedly occurred. Wiesel, of course, doesn’t question any of it.

Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

The Heretics' Hour Hall of Fame

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-01-23 14:49

Oldies but Goodies

This early Heretics' Hour program from June 28, 2010, with Carolyn's favorite guest of all time Wilhelm Kriessmann, is too good to be forgotten and left back in the archives.

Wilhelm Kriessmann - The Detention Camps

Left: Wolfsberg main gate (click to enlarge)

Right: Auschwitz main gate (click to enlarge)

What was life like in the British-run Wolfsberg detention camp in Austria, where Wilhelm was detained soon after he found his way home from Northern Germany in September, 1945? How did it compare with the Auschwitz detention camp in Poland? Was it really any better ... or was it worse? After 9 months at Wolfsberg, he spent another 8 months detained at the similar, but much smaller Wetzelsdorf camp ... all without any charges ever laid against him.

Wikipedia writes:
By the middle of June only Russian prisoners remained, these were eventually exchanged for British and American PoWs in Russian hands, near Graz. The camp then served as a British detention center for ex-Nazis, before finally closing in mid-1947.

Wilhelm Kriessmann was a soldier, not a "Nazi"; he was never a Party member. I had to appeal to him as a friend to come on the show and talk about his camp experience, as it is not something he normally did. He was one of those "too-decent and uncomplaining" Germans when it came to speaking about his own treatment by the English and Americans. He felt he had not suffered nearly what so many others did, and thus it was not worth telling. I am glad for the sake of the historical record that we have his story, brief as it is.

Program begins with an Elie Wiesel update. 54 min

The Heretics' Hour: Holo forgeries and Another Look at the Wannsee Conference

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-12-31 19:08

Dec. 31, 2012

After a brief personal review of 2012, Carolyn gives examples of photo fakery used in photographs that “prove” the “Holocaust” happened. Some are on her website Elie Wiesel Cons The World (the three most recent posts). While many forgeries are known – mostly composite photos where unrelated images are combined in one photo – many more could probably be found, and should be found. Check out the bears of Treblinka at Scrapboolpages Blog. Carolyn discusses the difficulty of recognizing these things until they are pointed out.

Two French Jews have discovered the Elie Wiesel tattoo controversy and are saying Wiesel is harming the Holocaust Industry, just as Nicholas Grüner claims too, and that Jewish organizations should put a stop to Elie’s irresponsible behavior! But they will not get anywhere either.

There was no Wannsee Conference taking place on Jan. 20, 1942, and if some kind of conference did, Reinhard Heydrich (pictured at right) was not there. Wilf Heink, in a five-part article at Revisionist Blog, demonstrates conclusively that Heydrich was in Prague attending to important official business on the 19th and 20th of January, leaving no time to go to Berlin during snowy winter weather for an important meeting there from 12 noon until at least 3 p.m on the 20th. The Wannsee Protocol document is a forgery by Robert Kempner, Jewish prosecutor at the Nuremberg IMT and follow-up trials.
