Holocaust Industry Exposed

Ken Waltzer inadvertantly supplies proof that Elie Wiesel was not at Buchenwald

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-09-08 10:37

By Carolyn Yeager

Above: Ken Waltzer’s now notorious signature photo connecting him to his claim, for years, that Elie Wiesel was in this photograph of  youths from the Buchenwald children’s barracks being marched out of the camp after so-called liberation.

We have further proof that Elie Wiesel was not at Buchenwald because Prof. Ken Waltzer is still unwilling to publish his book about the “rescue of children from Buchenwald,” a book which has always included the “Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel” among the children.

Since Waltzer is the only holocaust “historian” I know who is still on record as saying he can prove that Elie Wiesel was a prisoner at the Buchenwald concentration camp—and that his father Shlomo died there—I think that makes Waltzer a fitting subject for this website. And the 84-year old Wiesel himself is not doing anything that I can find news of these days, so I’m a little hard up for inspiration.

Thus I ask: What is Waltzer up to? Well, he has been heading a group of Michigan Jews in creating a traveling exhibition that is meant to remind Jews, and convince if necessary, of all the poisecution they experienced during the WWII years and to celebrate how extraordinarily well things have been going for Jews since (while, of course, still having to be on guard against new poisecution).

Thus, the exhibition is titled Uneasy Years: Michigan Jewry During Depression and War. Michigan Jewry! How many Jews are in Michigan? According to a Jewish website, in 2012 there were 82,270, which is 0.8% (8/10 of 1%) of the total Michigan population. But that is enough for Ken Waltzer and other Jews to build an entire traveling exhibition for.

Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Saturday Afternoon: Interview with Bradley Smith, Founder of CODOH

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-07-20 11:48

July 20, 2013

Bradley R. Smith, author and founder of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) talked about the appeal of Holocaust Revisionism for him and how it’s always been the Taboo side of it that interested him most. Though Bradley was  little late in appearing, the program was never slow from then on.

  • USA is the only place that true debate can go on, and it’s tough even here;
  • Has been in communication with David Cole Stein who says that, since his outing, his post-revisionist career as a political activist is no longer possible;
  • Rejects the term “Holocaust Denier” for himself as totally hinging on the definition of “Holocaust”;
  • Rejects “blaming the Jews” in favor of blaming cowardice of Gentiles, especially academics who put money and position ahead of truth;
  • Focus has been for a long time on getting the revisionist message to university students who exist in an atmosphere where contrary opinions on “Holocaust” are not allowed;
  • On the question of success, he sees CODOH as part of a larger revisionist movement that has made great headway, but at the same time the Holocaust Industry has grown even more;
  • Current project – The Jan Karski Institute at Georgetown University.

Saturday Afternoon: Günter Deckert live from Germany

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-07-13 13:08

July 13, 2013

Günter Deckert is Carolyn’s guest to talk about Germany-related issues, after he tells us all about his recent five months (Jan. 2 to May 31) spent in Mannheim Prison for “questioning the holocaust.” 

  • Majority of prisoners are foreigners, but one has an individual cell-room of one’s own;
  • Political prisoners are “bullied” by top administrators with restrictions on or denial of preferred reading material, letters and visits on the grounds of “rehabilitation”;
  • Angela Merkel’s strong stand against Brussels new shared banking proposals in eurozone will probably dissipate after the general elections in September;
  • Merkel’s complaints about the NSA spying by the U.S. are weak, but Social Democrat says spying on the EU is for economic advantage, not terrorism;
  • Less likelihood of an NPD ban, but the NSU will be used against the NPD beginning in September;
  • NSU bombshell? – Prosecution’s star witness inadvertently revealed the gun that allegedly killed the eight Turks was purchased after the first four were already dead (according to Compact magazine);
  • Thoughts on a world-wide pan-European movement based on White unity;
  • Günter recommended the article “Unruly Europe” by Mark Bruigh, in two parts at American Renaissance;
  • Hadding Scott calls in to ask about reports that Adenauer was forced by Eisenhower to agree to pay reparations to Israel.

Image: Günter Deckert speaking in Denmark in 2008.

What is wrong with Norwegians?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-06-29 09:04

Norwegians are the most White-hating, self-hating people on the planet. They can't do enough to destroy their own country by bringing dark-skinned people into it with whom to race-mix and be raped by. And when it comes to holocaust reparations that they are not required to make, they go whole-hog.

Right: Norway's Holo Center is housed in the Oslo mansion formerly occupied by Nazi collaborator Vidkun Quisling.

According to News and Views from Norway:

At a time when many museums in Norway are struggling with budget cuts, the Holocaust Center in Oslo has been granted NOK 20 million. The funding is four times greater than the amount the center itself originally requested.

The story informs us that only 771 Jews were deported from Norway from 1940 to 1945. Only 771! Yet because only 34 returned, the Norwegians who have been indoctrinated with post-war guilt and hatred for "Nazis" feel compelled to "make reparations" in whatever way they can.

Saturday Afternoon: Demolishing "Elie in Buchenwald" once and for all

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-06-08 13:28

June 8, 2013

Carolyn discusses the “Big Lie” that Elie Wiesel was ever in Buchenwald concentration camp and liberated from there in 1945. An article she is preparing for Elie Wiesel Cons the World, she hopes will be the definitive “stake in the heart” of this long-running fraud, along with all it’s related elements. Unfortunately this program was marred by a technical problem and then a  Skype failure in the first hour, but the most important points made were:

  • Hasidic Judaism, prevalent among Eastern European Jews, emphasizes, through oral stories, the acceptance of unbelievable occurrences, miracle-working, and fortune-telling (predicting the future);
  • Historian Kenneth Waltzer of MSU has, since Oct. 2012,  wiped off the Internet all his pages about Buchenwald and Elie Wiesel, his specialty for several years;
  • Elie Wiesel’s claim in Night and in his memoir that he became deathly ill with food poisoning 3 days after the Buchenwald liberation (April 14), spending the next two weeks in hospital, wipes out Waltzer’s “evidence” for Wiesel’s presence in Buchenwald, including being in the photograph taken on April 16! (above);
  • The account in Night of the date of arrival at Buchenwald, followed by the timing of  “Father’s” death, is way off from the official records at Buchenwald Memorial;
  • And much more.

Image: Wiesel in 1986, right after winning the Nobel Peace Prize, posing with famous Buchenwald photo at Yad Vashem that he didn’t claim to be in until 1983.

Note: This recording has been cleaned of the blank and garbled spaces It lost 10 minutes.

Günter Deckert released on May 31!

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-06-03 09:46

Welcome back to the battle, Günter!

Above: Sylvia Stolz was among those waiting to greet Gunter as he was released after serving his 5-month prison sentence for 'violating' Germany's strict holohoax laws. Sylvia and Günter are under umbrellas at right.

Below: Part of the welcoming party for Günter outside Mannheim Prison on a rainy day. Günter leaning on sign at right.

Why can't Kevin “Hitler burned down the Reichstag” Barrett give me the credit I'm due?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-05-25 18:15

By Carolyn Yeager

In the previously posted (on 5-24) "Email Exchange of May 20," I mentioned an email to me from Kevin Barrett, whose name was on the original list of 'other recipients.' I showed Kevin's email:


Mon, 20 May 2013 10:45:14 -0500 [05/20/2013 11:45:14 AM EDT]


Kevin Barrett <[email protected]>


[email protected]

Carolyn, Your website, with its gargantuan audience, should be a great place to attack VT. That'll teach Jew-lovin' Gordon a lesson. 

I said I would continue with our exchange in a follow-up post. This is the follow-up post. I replied to Kevin thusly--friendly at first but pretty sharp at the end. 

Now Kevin, I didn't say I had a gargantuan audience; I do not. But when I google carolyn yeager, as they said they did, it comes up 1.2 million entries + - every time. I didn't make it up -- they did.

Gordo is fixated on talking about his huge following, but is always lying.

I used to attack VT, as you may know, but I have better things to do. I don't want to give them the attention anyway. G and J's response to Anthony Lawson just got me going again, for a moment. I thought my advice was good, though.

You have really destroyed your credibility by going on there -- and exposed yourself as more of a political animal than a truth-seeker. My advice: stay away from the holohoax -- your milktoast approach is sickeningly inadequate.


I added that last part in reference to his essay on "Holocaust History Denial" which I had come across in recent days and read through quickly, but not carefully. Now, there is something you need to understand and that is if there is anything I take seriously, it is "Holocaust," and I was aware of Kevin's stance toward it. So I thought I had better read Kevin's piece more carefully, in light of what I just said to him. I did, and mailed him again:

The Enemy in Our Midst - Elie Wiesel's USHMM celebrates 20 years

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-04-30 09:54

By Carolyn Yeager

How the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC uses our money to further goals that serve international Jews.

Elie Wiesel and the above-named holohoax museum are as linked together as the military-industrial complex. Wiesel serves Israel and the International Jewish power structure and, in turn, it looks after him and ensures that he is not only wealthy but famous and covered with honors and decorations that bring him respect.

The United States, since Woodrow Wilson and the 1913 takeover of the U.S. Treasury by the Jewish banking cabal’s Federal Reserve System, has been a captive nation. Even though it appears to be the most powerful nation on earth – that is appearance only if you define a nation as being governed by and serving the people who formed and created that nation.

The truth is, the American people have a foreign parasitical entity attached to our nation, which has changed its very demographic make-up and just keeps spawning more and more anti-American policies. One of the spreading tentacles of this parasite is the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

When one studies this museum, how it came into being and how it operates, one can clearly discern it’s parasitical nature – and why, rather than contributing to the national well-being, it takes away from it.

This week, Sunday and Monday April 28-29, is the culmination of several months of “commemoration” of the museum’s 20th year of existence.1 It celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2003, so I assume there will be a propaganda-filled anniversary commemoration every 10 years from now on – and maybe they’ll throw in a 25th too – unless it is put out of business. Following are some reasons the USHMM should be closed down.

Please continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

The Heretics' Hour: Enemy in Our Midst: Elie Wiesel's USHMM

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-29 19:00

April 29, 2013

Carolyn first discusses questions about the extent of computer-generated images (CGI) rather than real-life people used in the Boston Marathon bombing media coverage. Good questions are raised by the proponents of media-fakery, but definitive answers are still elusive.

The main topic of the show is Carolyn’s new article up at Elie Wiesel Cons The World that takes on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum as an enemy stronghold entrenched in our national body. Since it is an all-Jewish museum serving international Jewish interests, it should be disconnected from the U.S. government, becoming a privately endowed institution.

Image at right from Monday’s 20th Anniversary ceremony: Elie Wiesel and friend, Poet Rebecca Dupas (far left) on stage with WWII vet Scottie Ooton (a 'liberator') and Bill Clinton (right).

Saturday Afternoon: Questioning and separating the real from the fake

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-04-27 13:35

April 27, 2013

A mix of subjects ranging from the Boston Marathon bombing – to the pure propaganda play of a 20th Anniversary of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC – to the Czech treatment of Germans in May 1945 and since. Some of the points made:

  • Are the “victims” we see on television and in photos actors hired to participate in a drill;
  • Media fakery is becoming more believable to more people, and fits the political climate;
  • All-Jewish-run museum in United States claims right to offer a National Tribute to Holocaust Survivors with Elie Wiesel and Bill Clinton speaking;
  • Special award given to Susan Eisenhower (in honor of her grandfather “Ike”) and Polish Jew Wladyslaw Bartoszewski;
  • Outrageous lies and nonsense featured at holocaust museum’s special exhibition Some Were Neighbors;
  • Thirty-five million visitors since museum opened – 1/3 from schools (forced attendance);
  • Stop contributing to Mark Weber’s IHR and donate to Vincent Reynouard instead.
  • Willy Wenger tells in his WWII memoir about his own experience with Czechs when traveling through the new Czech Republic on his way home to Austria;
  • Hadding Scott joins the program in the last half hour to comment on German treatment of Poles from 1939-1944 and on whether German dominance in Europe is natural.

Image: Toy ‘Nazi’ figurines are supposed to show the “demonic appearing in the most minute details” at the USHMM special exhibition titled, “Some Were Neighbors, “ meant to keep the guilt trip going.
