European History

The Heretics' Hour: Hitler and the Slavs, 4

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-11-04 00:42

Nov. 3, 2014

Carolyn Yeager continues with her study of Poland and how it became the country that we know today, that gave Adolf Hitler so much trouble. 1h37m

Image: Fictional portrait of King Jagiello and young Queen Jadwiga

The Heretics' Hour: Hitler and the Slavs, 3

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-10-28 01:22

Oct. 27, 2014

Poland – the Great Pretender. The truth about its origins and history tear away the pious mask of the victim and show a cruel-minded victimizer at work – still today. Carolyn Yeager explains why the treatment meted out to the Poles by National-Socialist Germany was justified. 2hr28min.

  • Was the "1000 years" of Polish history invented in more recent times;
  • The late appearance of Polish literature and written language, in the 18th and 19th centuries;
  • One million of the original 2.5 million Germans left the provence of Poland before 1939 because of persecution;
  • The most extreme brutality was directed against the Ukrainians because they were the largest minority group and voted to send their own representatives to the Sejm;
  • Poles had never succeeded in forming a successful state on their own, for example in 1916 Germany gave them independence and made a pact with Pilsudski;
  • Poles insisted most of all that all minorities speak Polish, send their children to Polish-only schools and become totally Polonized;
  • Many examples given of horrible treatment of Ukrainians, Germans and White Russians mainly to discourage them from maintaining their own communities and language;
  • Markus calls in and gives valuable input, plus helps me sum up at the end.

Image: Propaganda postcard that was mass-distributed inside and outside Poland during the 1930's with the support of the Polish government. It shows what it calls the "historical" western boundary of Polska that includes Slovakia and the Czech Republic, along with German territories all the way to Berlin.  Enlarge

Saturday Afternoon: Race, Ethnicity and Ideology

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-10-25 18:33

The Russian Federation is a multi-ethnic state with the 2nd largest number of immigrants in the world, after the U.S. But it represents "Freedom", according to "the Saker" and Alexandr Dugin. Freedom for whom?

Oct. 25, 2014

Carolyn Yeager goes beyond the reality of Race to the further distinction of Ethnicity and how that leads to various Ideologies. 1hr57min.

  • The Hitler view of the healthy state and the Putin view do not coincide;

  • The ethnicities of Europe and their distinct cultures cause discomfort to Globalists, WN's and to Putinists;
  • The concept of "Novorossia" appears to be just another way to expand territorial control;
  • Callous disregard for Russian boy-fighters recruited online described by mother of dead son;
  • The Saker blog is criticized for promoting East-West division and obviously dishonest fund-raising tactics;   
  • I forgot to talk about the "Zombie Nazi Invasion" video created by a Russian rights group to warn about the dangers of racism and xenophobia. Don't miss it!

The Heretics' Hour: Hitler and the Slavs

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-10-14 00:48

Oct. 13, 2014

Hitler meets with Polish Foreign Minister Josef Beck in 1937. Beck was a chain smoker and Hitler, who mostly refused to allow smoking in his presence, made an exception for Beck but doesn't seem too happy about it.

Carolyn continues from last week, answering accusations that Hitler hated Slavs and his anti-Slav policies caused Germany to lose the war. 2hr12m.

  • Polish car-stealing gangs operate in Frankfurt am der Oder in Brandenburg State by just crossing the river because of EU Schengen laws;
  • Using quotes from Mein Kampf as representing Hitler's policies in 1939 is absurd, yet most Hitler detractors do it;
  • Persecution of ethnic Germans trapped in Poland and Czechoslovakia is recorded in online reading at Wintersonnenwende archive;
  • Hitler speaks of his invasions of both Poland and Soviet Union as due to forces beyond his control;
  • Serbia's role in WWI revisited - assassinated Austrian Archduke and wife under orders from Russia, helped along and encouraged by France;
  • Austrian Emperor was not unreasonable for wanting some punishment for and restraint in Serbia;
  • Serbia's long history of failure and frustration of nationalist goals, and warring behavior with it's neighbors;
  • EU member states should be classified into an order something like A, B and C groups, and any new European Order should too;
  • Did Hitler have a hatred of Serbia because of 1914?

"Table Talk" Study Hour - Episode 31

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2014-10-09 15:15

Oct. 9, 2014

Carolyn Yeager and Ray Goodwin read and comment on the March 29-April 4, 1942 lunch and dinner table monologues by the German Leader, as taken down in shorthand by aide Henry Picker. 1hr29m. Included in this episode:

  • Honesty in trade set by the Hanseatic League for over 500 years, which only degraded to "Buyer Beware" when Jews got involved;

  • The sorry state of the Judiciary, and Hitler's intention for judges to put the interests of the State first;
  • Hitler sees the mentality of the Russians revealed in their Feb. 24th attempted assassination of Amb. Franz von Papen in Turkey;
  • Explains why the Turks are better allies than the Bulgarians;
  • Long exposition of the Policy of the Reich in the East, with historical perspective including Charlemagne and Frederick the Great;
  • Why Frederick the Great was a better man than Napoleon and the weakness of hereditary monarchies;
  • Hitler concludes that the future Germany must be a republic with a Führer at the head, chosen by a specially selected Senate.
  • Very important ideas are presented in this episode.

Image: Lübeck, on the Baltic Sea, was the capital of the Hanseatic League that dominated trade along the coast of Northern Europe. Enlarge.

The edition of Hitler's Table Talk being used was translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens, published by Enigma Books, New York, and can be found as a pdf here.

The Heretics' Hour: Resolving "The Slav Question?"

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-10-07 00:39

Oct. 6, 2014

Carolyn Yeager responds to Wolf Wall Street's request that she "resolve this question (the Slav Question) herself" by addressing the issue head-on. In the second hour, a call from Markus added much of interest to the program, and toward the end of the 2nd hour Wolf Wall Street (Bob) also called and we had a 3-way discussion. 2hr19min. Subjects included:

  • Slavic is a language group covering a large area of Eastern Europe;
  • Paul Goble reports on the inventions about history currently being propagated in Russia apparently with govt. approval;
  • Connection between Serbia and Russia, and their important role in instigating WWI;
  • How do Whites deal with the differences between themselves in order to remain something of a cohesive group with trust between them;
  • How to order a White society.

Image: A Polish peasant woman with three little blonde-haired girls. Date unknown.

100 years ago: A German "triple triumph" established U-boat warfare

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2014-09-21 21:55

"Victories of U-9" - a contemporary German postcard showing the photo of Weddigen against the background of the sinking "Aboukir" and "Hogue".

On September 22, 1914 Lieutenant Otto Weddigen sunk three British armored cruisers. He was the first war hero for Germany.

A mere 600 tons of water was displaced when the Imperial U-boat "SMS U9" was immersed. Only 60 meters long, the boat had a driving force of about 1000 hp – not particularly strong. Although only four years old in September 1914, it was already outdated because it had petrol instead of more powerful diesel engines to power itself over water.

The three Goliaths the "U9" sighted in the early morning of September 22, 1914 were even older, but each was 144 meters long, with 12,000 tons displacement, 23.3-inch guns and 760-man crews,

Not the latest battleships of the British Home Fleet and the German High Seas Fleet, certainly—but each of these ironclads was deadly dangerous for a single small submarine anyway. Unless several special circumstances came together. That was the case on this Tuesday.

Everything you'll ever want to know about the Saint Anna (Sanktanna) settlement in Hungary

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2014-09-17 20:35

St. Anna – Banat – Hungary/Romania

The History of the Donauschwaben

Compiled and translated by Wilhelm Kriessmann, April 2008

I have had this report in my alt files all this time. I knew I had it and had sent it to some family members, but I had forgotten how complete and how interesting it is. It was my dear friend Willi Kriessmann who encouraged me to study up on my Donauschwaben ancestors and provided me with his assistance, including the connection to Alf Kührt. Willi was an admirer of Maria Theresia and of this eastern settlement project. So with thanks and appreciation to him, I present it now as part of my Ancestry section that I'm building. ~Carolyn

Austrian Empress Maria Theresia started her 40-year reign in 1740. She was beloved of her people and had 16 children with her husband Francis 1 !

After the Osmans (Turks – Ottoman Empire) were pushed back during the 17th and 18th Century, the Habsburg emperors Leopold I, Karl VI, Josef II and Empress Maria Theresia began to populate the devastated areas of South Hungary. In the lowlands of the Danube and the Theiss (Tisza), farmers and craftsmen primarily from Southwest regions of the Empire were systematically settled. The total number of settlers, organized by the government or private enterprise, reached about 150,000. The majority were from Alsace-Lorrain, Palatinate, Baden-Wuertemberg, Luxemburg and Bavaria (including Franconia).

The Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1748-1776 (yellowish-tan) included good parts of the Banat and Transylvania where Germans were invited to settle. Enlarge

The Racial Awakening of the German People by Dr. Rudolf Frercks, parts 9-10

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-09-13 15:31

This article is reposted from National-Socialist-Worldview.

This booklet by Dr. Frercks, the vice-director of the NSDAP's Office of Racial Policy, was originally published in 1935. The edition on which this translation was based is dated 1942. Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014.

Translated: "The right choice of a mate is the prerequisite for a worthy and happy community of life. Make your decision only when you have a clear picture of the hereditary traits of the other's kin. Marry only the offspring of congenitally healthy, racially kindred stock. Mental and physical heritage is resurrected in the children. In your choice lies the destiny of your lineage and of the nation." Enlarge

Part 9 - Miscegenation

Our leader has coined the saying, "What is not race on this Earth, is chaff."* With that he conveyed that the value of a people lies in its race, its blood. A people that ceases to be loyal to its image, to its kind, and to its mission in history, has lost its right to life and is on its way to its demise. This has already played out many times in history. The descendants of the ancient Greeks and Romans no longer have anything physically and mentally in common with their ancestors who created those high cultures of antiquity. The men that live there today are different from those whose artworks we still admire today, whose philosophy and writings we still study today.

"Hitler's Table Talk" Study Hour: Episode 25

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2014-08-28 16:27

August 28, 2014

Carolyn Yeager and Ray Goodwin read and comment on the Feb 2nd-5th, 1942 dinner table monologues by the German Leader, as taken down by trusted aide, attorney Heinrich Heim. Included in this episode:

  • German Freemasonry - Hitler's experiences with it and some tales about the early days of the NSDAP;
  • Times at Bayreuth and his love of motor cars;
  • His feelings when he was in prison and his story of leaving Landsberg Prison after 13 months, and the later release of his 13 companions;
  • The burning of "witches" in German villages by the thousands, and other misdeeds of the Christian Church;
  • Americans successfully produce industrial goods with far less labor than Germans, and Hitler wants to emulate this;
  • The importance of climate in developing civilization, which comes from the South (Greece, Rome) in Hitler's opinion;
  • Raids on the Brown House (NSDAP headquarters) and relations with the police.

Image: Hitler stands with Ludendorff to the left and Ernst Roehm at right foreground in 1922 at the time of his trial. Note that Hitler is equal in height to Ludendoff, for those who want to call AH "short." Roehm is short. Enlarge

The edition of Hitler's Table Talk being used was translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens, published by Enigma Books, New York, and can be found as a pdf here
