European History

The Heretics' Hour: 75th anniversary of Austrian annexation with the German Reich

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-03-11 19:25

March 11, 2013

Three-quarters of a century have passed since 1938, but it seems only a short time ago in many ways. The Anschluss, in which the German-Austrian people gave up their independent republic to become a part of the far more prosperous and dynamic German Third Reich, was an event of great joyousness and great hope. That hope was not disappointed, as their society was recharged by new investment in their dormant factories and other projects,  and their economy got moving again. However, the powerful Left media and academia insist on portraying it as a time of moral darkness and tyranny simply because a small minority of Jews were negatively affected. The Jewish question is greatly overplayed in the whole story of Austria after the Anschluss. Some highlights of the program:

  • Poll conducted by mainstream Austrian newspaper reveals a 61% approval for a “strong leader”  and 54% think the “Nazi" Party would receive support today;
  • Vienna Philharmonic under attack (again) for having too many National Socialist party members in its orchestra during the 1938-45 period under conductor Wilhelm Furtwaengler, and firing all of 13 musicians for being Jewish;
  • The mystery of the “replacement”  ring of honor given to (“war criminal”) Baldur von Schirach in 1966 by the Philharmonic is considered “solved” just in time for the anniversary;
  • A similar attack by Prof. Rathkolb on Herbert von Karajan, another brilliant “Nazi” conductor whose early writings “prove” he was always racist and antisemitic;
  • “Witness to the Anschluss” read from the Wilhelm L. Kriessmann Archive.

Image: Hitler speaks to a massive crowd in the Heldenplatz (Heroes’ Square) in Vienna on March 15, 1938.

Die Tage unserer Revolution

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-03-11 10:46

To the reader: This following is taken from a chronicle (day book) written by Leopold Wenger (b. 1921) at the time, or shortly after, the events were taking place. "Poldi," as he was nicknamed, became a Luftwaffen fighter pilot and a recipient of the Knight's Cross, National Socialist Germany's highest military decoration, in January 1945. An English translation with photographs will be forthcoming, but for now, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary, I present it here in German for those who are able to read it. -CY

Aus Leopold Wenger's Fahrtentagebuch:
Die Tage unserer Revolution

copyright 2013 Willy Wenger  

           11. März 1938: Ununterbrochen fuhren Lastautos durch die Stadt und warfen Flugzettel ab: „Stimmt für Schuschnigg“,   usw. Aber kaum lagen sie am Boden, kam die HJ und sammelten die Zettel auf und warfen sie in die Mur. Das schon den ganzen Tag so. Flieger warfen auch Flugzettel ab und alle hatten schon eine grenzenlose Wut. Zu allem Überfluss wurde die Volksmiliz bewaffnet, marschierte auf und um 3 Uhr Nachmittag waren alle öffentlichen Gebäude  (Post, Bahnhof, Kreisgericht usw.) von diesen Halunken besetzt. Aber ihr Traum dauerte nicht lange. Um 5 Uhr traf ich Herrn Ebner von der DAF Der rief mir zu: „Die Abstimmung ist verschoben,   alle Häuser beflaggen durchsagen!“

Pathetic Picture of Political Hypocrisy

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-03-11 08:54

A more perfect illustration of ZOG - Zionist-owned Globe - cannot be found than this staged photo of the European Union-Euro Zone puppet government in Vienna, Austria attempting  to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the glorious Anschluss of 1938 as something terrible.

Here we have Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner (far left) comforting so-called "Resistance fighter" Katharina Sasso, who is acting  the pathetic victim 75-years after the fact ... while  Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann reaches out to the "victim" also, with the proper concerned expression on his face. 

The Heretics' Hour Hall of Fame: Who Started WWII?

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-02-27 13:03

Oldies but Goodies

This early Heretics' Hour program from August 23, 2010, with Carolyn's favorite guest of all time, Wilhelm Kriessmann, is too good to be forgotten and left back in the archives. This program, "Who Started World War II?"  was originally recorded for Voice of Reason network.

Dr. Wilhelm Kriessmann returns as Carolyn’s guest to discuss the ideas and important data presented in Viktor Suvorov’s book, The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start WWII. Topics include:

  • Revisionists get prison terms in France and Austria;
  • Goal of Soviet Union was to communize Europe through Germany;
  • Offensive military build-up in USSR began in 1939;
  • Massive movement of Red Army troops and material to western border was completed in June 1941;
  • Operation Barbarossa narrowly beat a devastating attack from Soviet Union;
  • Who was behind Rudolf Hess’ peace mission to Britain.

The Heretics' Hour: Treaties of Saint-Germain and Trianon – How they reshaped Central and Southeastern Europe

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-02-18 18:24

Feb. 18, 2013

Two treaties from WWI that are overshadowed by the Treaty of Versailles, which the Germans of 1920 were forced to sign, were the Treaty of Saint-Germain between the Allied Powers and Austria, and the Treaty of Trianon between the Allies and Hungary. Some highlights:

  • How the World War got started – it wasn’t German militarism;
  • Monarchies were overturned in favor of Democratic Republics;
  • Austrians were denied the right to name their smaller “rump” country German-Austria;
  • Hungary’s new borders gave them 72% less territory and 64% less population than pre-war;
  • Two new countries were created: Czechoslovakia and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes;
  • The Allies (France, Britain, U.S.), in spite of their stated policy of self-determination for all people, hypocritically rejected the idea of plebiscites;
  • Widespread unemployment and loss of exchange of goods in the entire region was the result of the harsh treaty provisions.

Map shows Austria and Hungary in their current size surrounded by all the territory that was taken from them and given to others post-WWI.


WWI Podcasts

"Why We Are Antisemites" - Text of Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-01-29 17:19

Hofbrauhaus interior where Hitler spoke

National Socialist German Workers Party

Public meeting in the Great Hall of the Hofbräuhaus

Friday 15 August 1920

 Adolf Hitler

~~Why We Are Antisemites~~

Translation from German by Hasso Castrup (Copenhagen, Denmark), January, 2013, exclusively for Carolyn from the original published in Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 16. Jahrg., 4. H. (Oct., 1968), pp. 390-420.   Edited by Carolyn Yeager. English Translation Copyright 2013 Carolyn Yeager - No republication without written permission.

 My dear countrymen and women! We are quite used to being generally referred to as monsters. And we are considered particularly monstrous because, in a question that certain gentlemen in Germany are nervous about, we are marching at the head – namely in the question of the opposition to the Jews.

The Heretics' Hour: "Why We Are Antisemites" - Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-01-28 18:47

Jan. 28, 2013

A hard-to-locate speech that was found and translated for Carolyn by Hasso Castrup of Denmark is read and commented upon. Over 9000 words long, it makes clear Hitler’s intentions and who he saw as the major enemy as he embarked on an uphill battle to win the hearts and minds of the German masses for National Socialism. Some points made:

  • Northern ice-age races – the Aryans – learned to work as a way of life and the weak did not survive, strengthening the race;
  • Since the Jew is the destroyer of every state, as a pathogen he must be removed for the health of the state;
  • Jewish destruction occurs in three main areas:  The ethical duty to work, the national (racial) purity, and the culture;
  • Since every Jew is obligated to fight against antisemitism, it follows that every German will become an antisemite;
  • Spreading scientific knowledge of the danger of Jewry or removing economic power from the Jews is insufficient … it’s necessary to penetrate into the common people and organize them.

This speech in it’s entirety will be posted at

Image: Hitler and the “Old Fighters” meet on February 24, 1929  in the Hofbräuhaus to mark an anniversary. Left to right: Gregor Strasser, Karl Fiehler (back to camera), Christian Weber, Hitler, Julius Schaub (back to camera, Franz Schwarz, Max Amann.

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 31

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-01-24 17:16

Jan. 24, 2013

Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott read and comment on Chapter 26 The Scope of Jewish Dictatorship in the U.S.

How Bernard Baruch exercised power as the  “Jewish High Governor  of the United States in war affairs” and how Jews got richer through his influence. At the beginning of the chapter we are told  that Baruch himself expressed that he ‘got into the war’ at Plattsburg and ‘out of the war’ when the Paris Peace Conference ended. What was Plattsburg? At the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914, some “elite” super-patriots, including Teddy Roosevelt and Elihu Root, instigated what was called the Preparedness Movement, to set up military training camps for civilians. Several organizations sponsored marches and demonstrations in major cities.  Training camps were operated in Plattsburg, N.Y. in 1915 and 1916 serving 40,000 men mostly from elite social classes. These men were destined to become officers.

Pictured at right is the July 22, 1916 parade in San Francisco protesting Woodrow Wilson’s policy to not prepare for war.  A bomb exploded during this parade, killing 10 and injuring many more. The motive was to work up war hysteria. What part did Jews play in this?

At the 17min to 17:09 mark, the number of men trained should be 400,000, not 4,000 as said by Carolyn.

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of  The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

The Heretics' Hour Hall of Fame

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2012-12-28 14:36

Oldies but Goodies

This early Heretics' Hour program from June 14, 2010, with Carolyn's favorite guest of all time Wilhelm Kriessmann, is too good to be forgotten and left back in the archives.

Wilhelm Kriessmann - The War Years

Dr. Kriessmann gives his personal account of

  • Life in Berlin as pilot for the general staff
  • Ninety-three bomber missions on the Eastern Front
  • How and why he was put in a British detention camp after returning home
  • Conditions and companions in Wolfsberg and Wetzelsdorf camps

Picture: Pen & ink drawing from 1946 by Dr. Kriessmann’s father: Inside the Wolfsberg British-run detention camp near Klagenfurt, where both were held after WWII. enlarge

Originally recorded for Voice of Reason Network 13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 55 min.

Wilhelm Kriessmann passed away on Dec. 18, one week before Christmas. He was 93 years old. I just now noticed that the years of his life correspond exactly to the number of missions he flew on the Russian front in WWII. Uncanny. Learn more about Wilhelm Kriessmann’s WWII experiences here and here, Until he suffered a stroke in late June of this year, he had remained a vigorous man, physically active and mentally sharp. He was making a valiant comeback with the help of intensive physical therapy when he was struck with a second stroke in mid-December which proved too much. It is with the greatest regard for this dear and esteemed friend that I re-present the programs he agreed to do with me exclusively on The Heretics' Hour, in this "Oldies but Goodies" format.

The Heretics' Hour Hall of Fame

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2012-12-21 15:11

Oldies but Goodies

This early Heretics' Hour program from May 2010, with Carolyn's greatest guest of all time Wilhelm Kriessmann, is too good to be forgotten and left back in the archives.

Carolyn talks with Dr. Kriessmann about his book When I was a Schoolteacher’s Boy, a chronicle of his youth in Feistritz im Rosental (Austria) during the turbulent years between the World Wars. Topics include:

  • A nationalist family
  • School fraternities and the Hitler Youth
  • The Austrian Anchluss, the culmination of hopes

This program was originally recorded for Voice of Reason Network at 13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.


Wilhelm Kriessmann passed away on Dec. 18, 2012, one week before Christmas. He was 93 years old. Up until he suffered a stroke in late June of this year, he had remained a vigorous man, physically active and mentally sharp. He was making a valiant comeback with the help of intensive physical therapy when he was struck with a second stroke in mid-December which proved too much. It is with the greatest regard for this dear and esteemed friend that I re-present the programs he agreed to do with me exclusively on The Heretics' Hour, in this "Oldies but Goodies" format. 
