race riots

Adolf Hitler, Christianity and Civil Order

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2020-08-30 18:17

National Socialist party members display election propaganda, including a banner depicting both the swastika and a cross, outside of a busy church in Berlin on July 23, 1933.

Hitler defends his Church policy as late as 1939

By Carolyn Yeager

WE ARE BEING PLAYED  BY BLM (Black Lives Matter) today because “anti-Racism” has been allowed to become the required establishment view for all respectable Americans. It is the state religion. Respect shown to Black demands and general discontents, no matter how untethered to facts and real history, or how destructive to property and human lives, is the only response allowed in media, government, academia and America's classrooms. There are more and more organizations popping up to enforce this standard, too. Big Brother is watching.

On the preservation of the nation

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2020-08-21 14:32

The following was posted by me here on January 20, 2019. I'm reposting it in light of the current presidential campaign in the United States during which violent riots by Marxist Antifa and Black Lives Matter "protesters" are taking place in so many major American cities, witnessed by the entire world. Adolf Hitler predicted the racial divisions we're now experiencing and why they do not go away no matter how much good will is applied. Here are some excerpts, with my commentary in red, from his Jan. 30, 1937 speech in the Reichstag in Berlin. I welcome reader's comments (of reasonable length). -carolyn


race riots

