Felix Klein

New German antisemitism minister attacks AfD straight away

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2018-05-05 14:08

World Jewish Congress panel on antisemitism in June 2017, with Felix Klein expounding at far right.

By Carolyn Yeager

FELIX KLEIN, THE JEW WHO HOLDS A NEWLY CREATED GOVERNMENT POST tasked with fighting antisemitism, said in remarks to online newsite watson.de on Thursday that the AfD (Alternative fuer Deutschland) tolerated party members calling for a new “culture of remembrance”.

“I don’t want to say the AfD is antisemitic, per se, but it tolerates representatives who are demanding a new policy of remembrance,” Klein said. “They initiated this discussion about drawing a line (under the Holocaust) and that is very dangerous because it helps make anti-semitism presentable again.”


Felix Klein