National Socialism

The Heretics' Hour: Was Hitler Trying to Conquer the World?

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-01 18:13

April 1, 2013

Hadding Scott fills in for Carolyn as guest-host. He uses facts from Adolf Hitler’s own writings to debunk lies about him that originated in the propaganda of the Second World War.

In the second hour, Hadding discusses the psychology of the Negro.

Image: Former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George with Adolf Hitler in Sept. 1936

Saturday Afternoon: Vincent Reynouard – New video on Oradour-sur-Glane

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-03-23 13:16

March 23, 2013

Established French Revisionist Vincent Reynouard, with his partner Marie, describe their new work and its importance in the larger scheme of holocaust revisionism. Oradour-sur-Glane is France’s “Auschwitz,” says Vincent, a protected memorial and “tourist attraction.” Waffen SS side of the story is here and here. Discussion included:

  • Some history on Vincent’s involvement in the subject  since 1997, beginning with a 204 page book “Le measure acre l”Oradour;“‘
  • The failure of our people to financially support working revisionists leading to decision to sell the full-length feature film rather than put it on the Internet for free;
  • New 1 hour 37 min. video - Oradour: la contre-enquête  presents new arguments to those historians who failed to respond to the original arguments  since 1997;
  • Point is made that failure to respond means they lose the argument;
  • Need for help to make English and other-language versions of Vincent’s videos;
  • Official history in 1999 by Oradour Memorial Committee makes no mention of Len Cotton, RAF crew member who hid in Oradour church, cared for by a Resistance member, after a crash-landing;
  • Video shows new pictures of church victims still wearing their shoes and clothing, but with heads, arms, legs, etc. missing – proving an explosion was cause of death, not a fire;
  • Point made that fear of losing current “freedoms” (politics) is more important than Truth for majority of people in Western, White society;
  • “Holocaust” is seriously being presented as new world religion by “world leaders,” eg. Obama at Yad Vashem.

The Anschluss of Austria

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-03-14 20:06

This report comes from a family chronicle that describes events during the so-called "Nazi era" as we experienced it. It is a testimony to great idealism and sacrifice for an Idea which filled us then. Today, most people see things in a very different light ...

The great hope:  the German Reich

By Willy Wenger

copyright 2013 Wilhelm Wenger and Carolyn Yeager

Translated from the German by Hasso Castrup

Eisenerzer Alps, January 1938

We got through the winter of 1937 well. We often traveled to our skiing places. I was usually in the company of my schoolmates; Mandi Holzer was always there. Poldi [Willy's older brother Leopold whom he called Bibi-cy] preferred the higher regions of Vordernberg auf den Polster (a popular ski resort, easy to reach from Leoben).

At the tender age of 12 there is a lot one doesn’t understand, but it still always aroused our interest when older students gathered during breaks at school and discussed the situation at that time. Again and again we were talking about Germany, for us a promised land flowing with milk and honey. While in Austria we still had a very modest standard of living, it seemed to go better and better in Germany. And that was thanks to one man: Adolf Hitler. One spoke of him as a god, who had pulled Germany out of the sump after the shameful Treaty of Versailles. Gradually Hitler brought back former German territories. And all this without bloodshed. It actually seemed as if there really was to be "no more war!"

The Days of Our Revolution

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-03-12 08:14

From Leopold Wenger's Trip Diary

The Days of Our Revolution

copyright 2013 Wilhelm Wenger and Carolyn Yeager

Translated from the German by Hasso Castrup

Following are the stirring events that took place in Leoben, Styria from February 12 through March 20, 1938, preparatory to the Anchluss (Austria becoming part of the German Reich) as recorded at the time by 16 year-old Hitler Youth member Leopold Wenger. Courtesy of Willy Wenger. -cy

12 February 1938  On our old campsite, at our cabin on Kraubatheck, there was for quite a long time already plans for a Hitler Youth camp again and it was scheduled to open this evening ... and as our term vacations were ending on 16 February, we were to spend four full days. Everything was already prepared and the food was already up there. I apologized that I could not come before Sunday because we had to sit in the police prison of Leoben and Wurschitz - 12 hours for a bicycle offense. (The fine was too expensive for us, therefore I had to endure the sentence). These 12 hours felt like an eternity. We were there together with all kinds of criminals: One of them told us that recently a Nazi was sitting there too, was then sent on to the district court but first he hid his revolver, cartridges and a swastika armband with the stamp of Donawitz in a wastebasket. One of the crooks found it and, with pleasure, handed it to the police.

Below: Our cabin in Schladnitzgraben; Right: Illegal Hitler Youth meet for skiing.

Group picture of Leoben illegal Hitler Youth, Feburary 1938

The Heretics' Hour: 75th anniversary of Austrian annexation with the German Reich

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-03-11 19:25

March 11, 2013

Three-quarters of a century have passed since 1938, but it seems only a short time ago in many ways. The Anschluss, in which the German-Austrian people gave up their independent republic to become a part of the far more prosperous and dynamic German Third Reich, was an event of great joyousness and great hope. That hope was not disappointed, as their society was recharged by new investment in their dormant factories and other projects,  and their economy got moving again. However, the powerful Left media and academia insist on portraying it as a time of moral darkness and tyranny simply because a small minority of Jews were negatively affected. The Jewish question is greatly overplayed in the whole story of Austria after the Anschluss. Some highlights of the program:

  • Poll conducted by mainstream Austrian newspaper reveals a 61% approval for a “strong leader”  and 54% think the “Nazi" Party would receive support today;
  • Vienna Philharmonic under attack (again) for having too many National Socialist party members in its orchestra during the 1938-45 period under conductor Wilhelm Furtwaengler, and firing all of 13 musicians for being Jewish;
  • The mystery of the “replacement”  ring of honor given to (“war criminal”) Baldur von Schirach in 1966 by the Philharmonic is considered “solved” just in time for the anniversary;
  • A similar attack by Prof. Rathkolb on Herbert von Karajan, another brilliant “Nazi” conductor whose early writings “prove” he was always racist and antisemitic;
  • “Witness to the Anschluss” read from the Wilhelm L. Kriessmann Archive.

Image: Hitler speaks to a massive crowd in the Heldenplatz (Heroes’ Square) in Vienna on March 15, 1938.

Die Tage unserer Revolution

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-03-11 10:46

To the reader: This following is taken from a chronicle (day book) written by Leopold Wenger (b. 1921) at the time, or shortly after, the events were taking place. "Poldi," as he was nicknamed, became a Luftwaffen fighter pilot and a recipient of the Knight's Cross, National Socialist Germany's highest military decoration, in January 1945. An English translation with photographs will be forthcoming, but for now, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary, I present it here in German for those who are able to read it. -CY

Aus Leopold Wenger's Fahrtentagebuch:
Die Tage unserer Revolution

copyright 2013 Willy Wenger  

           11. März 1938: Ununterbrochen fuhren Lastautos durch die Stadt und warfen Flugzettel ab: „Stimmt für Schuschnigg“,   usw. Aber kaum lagen sie am Boden, kam die HJ und sammelten die Zettel auf und warfen sie in die Mur. Das schon den ganzen Tag so. Flieger warfen auch Flugzettel ab und alle hatten schon eine grenzenlose Wut. Zu allem Überfluss wurde die Volksmiliz bewaffnet, marschierte auf und um 3 Uhr Nachmittag waren alle öffentlichen Gebäude  (Post, Bahnhof, Kreisgericht usw.) von diesen Halunken besetzt. Aber ihr Traum dauerte nicht lange. Um 5 Uhr traf ich Herrn Ebner von der DAF Der rief mir zu: „Die Abstimmung ist verschoben,   alle Häuser beflaggen durchsagen!“

Saturday Afternoon: Arthur Rudolf and Julius Streicher – Two very unlike German National Socialists martyred by Jews

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-02-23 12:19

Feb. 23, 2013

Carolyn details the life and achievements of two under-appreciated German National Socialist Party members and how they were perversely persecuted by jealous Jews. It is a study in the Jewish art of revenge and their targeting of the weak and those who are in a vulnerable position. It is a study of cowardice going up against courage. It is a warning of what is in store for all of us if we don’t regain our sovereignty.

  • Arthur Rudolf (left picture) was essential in developing the German V-2 Rocket for the first jet aircraft in the world – then developed the Saturn 5 rocket that sent American’s to the moon in 1969;
  • Later the U.S Justice Dept. and Congress allowed him to be branded a war criminal and banished from the country by a cabal of Jews;
  • Forgot to mention that Rep. Bill Green of NY (Jew) introduced a bill in 1985 to strip Rudolph of the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, and reintroduced it in 1987;
  • Julius Streicher (right picture) helped build up the National Socialist Party and Adolf Hitler’s popularity with his controversial but truthful magazine Der Stürmer (The Stormer);
  • The anti-Hitler Allied War Crimes Tribunal inaccurately and illegally charged him as a war criminal (when he had nothing to do with the war) and allowed Jewish and Negro officers to torture him in prison.

Christ Church in Hamburg as it was in Third Reich time

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-02-20 07:40

"A great find" is how my correspondent describes this photo from the Christ Church in Hamburg-Wandsbek. On the interior arch it says: "Our Faith is the Victory." At the beginning of the words is a cross; at the end a swastika.

This symbology certainly was not forced on churches, but was the decision of the congregation. Many did subscribe to the "Positive Christianity" or "German Christianity" that was encouraged by the National Socialists.

Here you can see a picture of  the church with it's tall bell-tower, still in existence.

And below are the bells in the tower. It was common during the Third Reich for the people to combine the two symbols.

Adolf Hitler's speech at the 1927 Nuremberg Rally

Published by admin on Mon, 2013-02-04 00:36

This ia a partial text of Adolf Hitler's Speech at the 1927 Party Rally in Nuremberg. It is translated by Randall Bytwerk; taken from this page at the Calvin German Propaganda Archive. Enlarge image

*      *      *

What is the nature of a nation's internal power? Three things are involved: First, a people has intrinsic value in its race. That is the primal value. A people that has the best blood but does not understand it, squandering it, receives no protection from its intrinsic value. And the purity of blood means nothing if the nation can be persuaded of the absurdity that its blood is worthless. Such a deepest value can be present, but not recognized. Individual people today are placed in large groups that no longer enable them to see this value. To the contrary, their program almost claims that there is no value in blood. They see race as completely insignificant. <--break->

Christogenea Saturday: Carolyn with Bill Finck

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-02-03 07:07

Feb. 2, 2013

"Why We Are Antisemites" - A Discussion of Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus

See the English translation of the speech here.

Bill Finck looks at the speech from a Christian Identist point of view. He demonstrates why White Nationalists should not take for granted the claims of the Jews concerning the Old Testament, or any of the Bible for that matter. Bill notes that the National Socialists and Christians everywhere for the last 15 centuries or longer have committed this same error.

A lot of interesting explanations about Aryan civilizations come up between Bill and Carolyn.
