
Mark Weber says millions of Jews lost their lives because of Nazi policies

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-05-16 19:53

By Carolyn Yeager

Mark Weber, director of the Institute of Historical Review (IHR), ended his radio show The Mark Weber Report on April 25, 2012 by saying that “it cannot be disputed” that “millions [of Jews] were forced from their homes, millions lost their lives.”

How many millions? Weber doesn't say. How many were forced from their homes?… many, but not millions. Lost their lives? … no.

The Heretics' Hour: Fear of the Jews

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-05-15 02:51

May 14, 2012

John 20: v19
When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”

Fear of the Jews takes many forms. Topics include:

  • Jews at the Steering Wheel” and the Jewish Federations of North America community directory reveal the incredible organizational power that Jews have amassed;

  • A U.S. Congressional subcommittee approves an extra $1 billion to Israel for their missile defense system this year, over and above the usual $3.1 billion;

  • In Greece and The Netherlands, where Jews are a teensy-weensy percentage o the population, their organizations try to dictate what the majority indigenous population can do;

  • Ebert Foundation finds that Europeans are more critical toward Jews than expected;

  • David Duke over-sympathizes with WWII Jewish suffering;

  • And more.

Carolyn announces her departure from Voice of Reason and her move to a new network—more information on that will be forthcoming. She did a final reading from The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945 about the cities of Magdeburg and Halberstadt, west of Berlin.

Hadding from Florida called into the program in the last half-hour.

Little New in Wiesel’s Speech at Xavier; Robert Ransdell Gets Attention

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-05-08 18:28

By Carolyn Yeager

Reportedly “thousands of students” listened to Elie Wiesel on Sunday night, May 6,  in the  Cintas Center in Cincinnati as he intoned his usual theme: “We haven’t done enough; we still haven’t learned from the Holocaust.” [Right photo shows one section of the Cintas auditorium interior, which is home to the Xavier basketball team.]

Who does he mean by “we”? Why, white western (European) man, of course. Not Jews. Nor any other non-whites. They are the ones dying “of famine or of disease or of violence.” As he said, “Every minute today, somewhere in this world a child dies” from one of these three causes, and he asked “How is that possible in a civilized society?”


Elie Wiesel, Jews

"If you look closely, you can see a sixteen-year-old boy ..."

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-04-25 20:40

April 25, 2012

By Carolyn Yeager

Do we have a stupid President, or what?

On Monday, April 23, U.S. President Barack Obama toured the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum with Elie Wiesel as his guide. Following the tour, both Wiesel and Obama gave boring, highly hypocritical speeches to the assembled diplomats, Jews, and shoah  survivors, supporters  and workers. Both speeches together lasted about 35 minutes. (Pictured right, Wiesel and Obama hug between speeches)

During Obama’s talk, he recalled a previous time that Elie had guided him through one of the Shoah’s sacred shrines–Buchenwald, in June 2009. At the 11:10 mark of this video, Obama remembers:

We stopped at an old photo, men and women lying in their bunks, barely more than skeletons, and if you look closely you can see a sixteen year old boy, looking right at the camera, right into your eyes … you can see Elie.

The Heretics' Hour: “The Jewish Question” in Holocaust Revisionism

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-04-24 00:24

April 23, 2012


Bill Finck of joins Carolyn in the 2nd hour to discuss Jews in German society.

  • U.S. Congress-authorized “Days of Remembrance” for alleged Holocaust victims;

  • Carolyn reads from The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945 about the real holocaust in the Rhine cities of Duisburg, Cologne and Kaiserslautern;

  • Is the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth blog on the up and up?

  • Germar Rudolf disagrees with Carolyn Yeager on a German-Jewish future;

  • How “the Jews” gained control in Europe;

  • What to say to “It's not all Jews”?

Frank from Pittsburgh calls in to share his views.

Picture: The extraordinarily ugly Holocaust Memorial with which Jews have defaced central Berlin's tourist district. The 4.7 acre site is a stone's throw from the Brandenburg Gate and Reichstag building.

Christogenea Saturday: Adolf Hitler Birthday Party

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2012-04-22 01:23

April 21, 2012

Adolf Hitler's birthday on April 20th was always celebrated in Germany during the time of the Third Reich. In honor of Hitler's 123rd birthday, Bill Finck arranged a discussion program with four individuals: Sword Brethren (Brian), Severus, me (Carolyn Yeager) and himself.

It turned out to be a great discussion lasting three hours, ranging from Hitler's religious beliefs  ... to the origin of his political ideas ... to the ultimate value of his life work. We naturally discussed "The Jewish Question" from many angles. There is so much of value in this program you just have to listen to discover it all.

Length: 188:04 minutes (75.33 MB)

Format: MP3 Stereo 22kHz 56Kbps

The Revisionist and the Judophile

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-04-19 17:50

I am recirculating this article from 2007 by revisionist Juergen Graf because of the current discussion about the American Renaissance Conference in mid March, at which Guillaume Faye was a speaker. Someone who attended the conference described it as "heaping lots of love on the Jews." Enjoy. -Carolyn

"The New Jewish Question," or The End of Guillaume Faye

By Jürgen Graf

In the spring of 2005 I learned that the editors of the neo-pagan-oriented Russian journal, Atenei, had invited Guillaume Faye, one of the French nationalist right’s chief thinkers, to Russia in order to participate in discussions about future collaboration along the lines of a pan-European Euronationalist movement ["mouvement identitaire pan-européen"]. I was delighted at the news. Up to that time I had read two books by Faye, published by L’Aencre: Archaeofuturism, 1998, and The Colonisation of Europe, 2000, together amounting to a masterly study of the alien invasion’s catastrophic consequences. Reading these works convinced me the author was a valuable political analyst and talented writer. So I was very much looking forward to meeting him.

Faye (left) arrived in Moscow in May, 2005, accompanied by two compatriots. As expected, he proved interesting to talk to, having encyclopedic knowledge of French politics in general and the different strands of nationalist thought in particular. During his visit he was to give two lectures, at Moscow and St. Petersburg, which unfortunately I was unable to attend.

At the time, the Russians who invited him expected to make him director of an international racial-nationalist association but quickly realized his grave personal defects made him unsuitable for the position — to which he himself, by the way, had never aspired: he was always satisfied in the role of "ideologue."

The Heretics' Hour: Wolves Among the Sheep

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-04-17 09:54

April 16, 2012

Carolyn begins the show reading from The Fire by Jörg Friedrich about the bombing of the North German cities of Lübeck and Hildesheim. Then Christine Miller joins in to tell us about her school board election results and the persecution of Frank Walus by Simon Wiesenthal, aided by a Jewish Chicago judge. In the 2nd hour, Carolyn discusses wolves among the sheep:


 Calls taken from Olaf Childress and Hadding.

Elie Wiesel condemns Günter Grass for "going too far"

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-04-14 16:51

By Carolyn Yeager

Wiesel rushes to the defense of Israel once again, proving he is always a political person ahead of being an artistic person.

Zionism has always come first for Elie Wiesel. You might even say all his writing has been in the service of Zionism, one way or another. Now a poem made public by one of Germany’s most famous novelists is causing an uproar in the Jewish/Israeli world, of which Wiesel is an integral part. The poet is Günter Grass; the poem’s title is “What Must Be Said.” It is a criticism of Israel’s nuclear capability and it’s willingness to use it against Iran.

In an article in the New York Daily News, Wiesel for the second time in the past month, speaks out on a controversy affecting Jews and Israel. While Wiesel is often portrayed as a kind of suffering saint who stays above the fray in his capacity as “teacher” and one who represents “victims of the Jewish holocaust” for the sake of greater humanity, this has never been the case in reality. He is a scrapper and a partisan in every circumstance involving Israel. Everything he does is done to advance the interests of World Jewry. This latest article makes it clear enough.

It is titled “Guenter Grass’ buried hatred comes to light.” The subtitle brings out that “He once served in the Nazi Waffen SS; today, he is attacking Israel.”

Christogenea Saturday: Henry Ford's The International Jew

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2012-04-08 01:22

The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem was published by Henry Ford, Sr. (right, in 1919) almost 100 years ago. Yet it gives us more valuable information about the Jew than I believe we can get anywhere else. It can be read online here.

Carolyn Yeager joins Bill Finck on his April 7th, 2012  "Christogenea Saturday" radio program for a 2-hour discussion of Chapter One of this amazing book (which contains 80 chapters in four volumes, by the way). The chapter title is "The Jew in Character and Business."


Jews, Other Podcasts
