Adolf Hitler on 'The World War' part 3

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2018-06-07 00:58

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

Hitler ends this chapter on the World War by describing why Marxism could not be defeated by Social Democracy, which he also did not like. His dismay at the outcome for Germany forced him to look for solutions and to consider going into politics after the war.


Naturally I was distressed at the half-measures that were adopted at that time; but I never thought it possible that the final consequences could have been so disastrous.

But what should have been done? Throw the ringleaders into jail, prosecute them, and rid the nation of them. Uncompromising military measures should have been adopted to root out [Ausrottung] this pestilence. Parties should have been abolished, and the Reichstag brought to its senses at the point of the bayonet, if necessary—or better still, immediately dissolved. […]

Of course, this suggestion would give rise to the question: Is it possible to eradicate [ausrotten] ideas with the sword? Can a worldview be attacked by means of force?


Mein Kampf, MKVolI

Adolf Hitler on 'The World War' part 2

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2018-06-04 20:44

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

In the following two selections from Chapter 5, Hitler points out how the defeatist elements in German society sought to undermine the war effort. These Jewish Marxist elements, because they were not stamped out, were able to bring about the post-war communist revolutions in Bavaria and elsewhere, and also World War II.


I was a soldier then, and didn't really want to meddle in politics—all the more so because the time was inopportune. I still believe that the humblest stable-boy of those days served his country better than the best of, let's say, our 'parliamentarians.' My hatred for those big-mouths was never greater than in the days when all decent men who had anything to say, said it point-blank to the enemy's face, or else, failing this, kept their mouths shut and did their duty elsewhere. Yes, I hated all those politicians. And if I had my say, I would have formed them into a labor battalion and given them the opportunity to babble amongst themselves all they liked, without offense or harm to decent people.


Mein Kampf, MKVolI

Adolf Hitler on 'The World War'

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-06-03 13:21

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

We now move on to Chapter 5: The World War. Hitler had been living and working in Munich for two and a half years when the war came. He tells how the situation appeared to him and how that led him to enlist at the first opportunity. His mistrust of the Slavs and dislike of multiculturalism continues to be part of his thinking.


The moment the news of the assassination [of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie -cy] reached Munich, two thoughts came into my mind. First, that war was absolutely inevitable, and second, that the Habsburg State would now be forced to honor its alliance. What I had most feared was that one day Germany itself, perhaps as a result of the alliance, would become involved in a conflict not directly caused by Austria. In this case, Austria might not be able to muster the will to fight on behalf of its ally. The Slavic majority in the empire would have immediately begun to undermine any such intentions, and would have always preferred to shatter the entire state rather than to aid its ally. But now this danger was removed. The old state was compelled to fight, whether it wished to or not.


Mein Kampf, MKVolI

Adolf Hitler on 'The Moment of Decay'

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2018-05-21 10:49

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

In the following section, Hitler asserts that Germany bumbled into war in 1914 because it was weakened from being “eaten from within” by the spread of the Jewish Marxist Doctrine. We can recognize this as exactly what we have still been going though in both Europe and North America. It is an age-old problem. Considering Hitler's reference to Rome (see below – on p 309), it is what we've always been dealing with.

U.S. President Donald Trump is in no way responsible for it, though so many Whites want to point to him because of his support for Israel. We should remember the current administration in Israel is anti-Marxist, as is the typical sovereign racial state. We need to look beyond the easy targets to blame--and look to ourselves. The average American and European is very pro-Semitic and wishes to be tolerant. We need to take these words of Adolf Hitler to heart.


The belief that prevailed in Germany before the war—that the world could be opened up and even conquered for Germany through a system of peaceful commerce and a colonial policy—was a typical symptom that indicated the decline of those real qualities whereby states are created and preserved. [See my previous installment 'State and Economy.'] It also showed the decline of the insight, will power, and practical determination that belong to those qualities. The penalty for this, like a law of nature, was the World War, with its attendant consequences.


Mein Kampf, MKVolI

Adolf Hitler on 'State and Economy'

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2018-05-11 00:46

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

This is a great passage on why a strong state is not built on an economic basis, but on a racial, ethnic basis. Likewise, the state does not exist as an economic unit, but as a community of kindred beings.


The deeper reasons why it was possible to foist upon the people this absurd notion of “peacefully conquering the world through commerce” lay in the generally sick condition of the whole body of German political thought. This also shows how it was possible to put forth the maintenance of world peace as a national aim. [Wilsonianism]

The triumphant progress of technical science in Germany, and the marvelous development of German industries and commerce, led us to forget that a powerful state was the necessary prerequisite of that success. On the contrary, certain circles went even so far as to promote the theory that the state owed its very existence to these phenomena—that it was, above all, an economic institution and should be structured according to economic interests. Therefore, it was held, the state was dependent on economic structure. This condition of things was praised as the healthiest and most natural arrangement.

Adolf Hitler on 'Anti-Semitism On a Religious Basis'

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2018-05-02 20:44

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.


THE FAILURE OF [THE CHRISTIAN-SOCIALIST] PARTY to fulfill its dream of saving Austria from dissolution must be attributed to two main defects in the means they employed and also the lack of clarity regarding the goal itself.

First: The anti-Semitism of the new movement was based on religious instead of racial principles. The reason for this mistake gave rise to the second error also.


Mein Kampf, MKVolI

Adolf Hitler on 'Defects in our Educational System' and 'Concentration on a Single Enemy'

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2018-04-30 15:55

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.


Such conduct is not the result of a malicious intent, nor is it the outcome of orders given from 'above'; but such a lack of national determination is due to defects in our educational system. Instead of inculcating a lively sense of German nationality, the aim of the educational system is to make the youth submit to 'the idea' become idol.

Education in such abstract notions as 'democracy,' 'international socialism,' 'pacifism,' etc., is so hard and fast and exclusive, and so purely subjective, that they fundamentally influence one's picture of the world. But on the other hand, the attitude towards their own German nationality has been very objective from youth upwards. The pacifist (insofar as he is a German) who surrenders himself subjectively to the dictates of dogmatic principles will always first consider the objective right or wrong of a situation when danger threatens. But he will never take his stand in the ranks of his own people, and fight for them from the sheer instinct of self preservation.

Adolf Hitler on Connecting With The Mass and The 'Away-From-Rome' Movement

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2018-04-17 22:02

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.


HE WHO IS INCAPABLE OF PASSIONATE FEELING and speech was never chosen by Providence to proclaim its will.

Therefore a mere writer should stick to his ink-bottle and busy himself with theoretical questions, if he has the requisite ability and knowledge. He has been neither born nor chosen to be a leader.

A movement that has great ends to achieve must carefully guard against the danger of losing contact with the masses of the people.

Every question encountered must be examined primarily from this viewpoint, and the decision to be made must always be accordingly.


Mein Kampf, MKVolI


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Adolf Hitler on 'Jewish Democracy' and 'The Importance of the Spoken Word'

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-04-15 17:13

More passages from Mein Kampf, Thomas Dalton translation (see here)


IT ISN'T THE AIM OF OUR MODERN DEMOCRATIC PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM to bring together an assembly of intelligent and well-informed men. The aim rather is to bring together a group of non-entities who are dependent on others for their views, and who can be all the more easily led, the narrower their mental outlook. This is the only way that party policy—according to the evil meaning it has today—can be put into effect.

Only in this way is it possible for the wire-puller, who exercises real control, to remain in the dark, so that he personally can never be held accountable. Under such circumstances, none of the decisions taken, no matter how disastrous they may be, can be laid at the foot of the scoundrel who is truly to blame. All responsibility is shifted to the shoulders of the party as a whole.


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Adolf Hitler on 'The Majority Principle'

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2018-04-13 11:42

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf (see here). This one from page 193 - 3.13 THE MAJORITY PRINCIPLE

SEVERAL VOLUMES WOULD BE NEEDED IF ONE WERE TO GIVE an adequate account of all its hollow fallacies. But if we pass over the details and look at the product itself while in operation, I think this alone will sufffice to open the eyes of even the most innocent and naive person, so that he may recognize the absurdity of this institution by looking at it objectively.

This human aberration is as harmful as it is absurd. In order to see this, the best and easiest method is to compare democratic parliamentarianism with a genuine German democracy.


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
