Elie Wiesel, like Caroline Glick, is disappointed the “Holocaust" has not eradicated antisemitism
Have we had enough of this theater yet? Do "holocaust" images like this have any effect on our sympathies? This is a well-aged, healthy looking "survivor" at the 69th Anniversary of the Auschwitz liberation on Remembrance Day, Jan. 27, 2014
Wiesel: “I thought the memory of the Holocaust would shame those boasting anti-Semitic opinions. I was wrong.” … Jan. 28, 2014
It becomes more clear all the time that the massive goodwill that Jews and “Israel” gained from the propaganda hoax they named “The Holocaust” has been depleted, due in large measure to Israel's uncivilized aggressive behavior against its neighbors in the Middle East.
But another major reason for the loss of goodwill is Israel's and world Jewish organizations' insatiable lust for ever more money and arms from Germany, the U.S. and all of Europe and North America. The Jews have played the phony guilt card for all its worth, and for a long time now (70 years!) – and it is finally wearing out. When Jews tell us that grandchildren of “survivors” are carriers of their grandparents' "trauma," that becomes the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Both Elie Wiesel and Caroline Glick have made statements in 2014 referring to the “Holocaust” as a way – a vehicle - to do away with “antisemitism,” i.e. dislike of Jews. They thought the combination of the horrific atrocity stories camp survivors were able to dream up, and the incredible number of 6 million, plus having the governments of America, Britain and the Soviet Union/Russia on their side would keep Germans and all European people making amends to them for a good long time – long enough, anyway, for Jewish billionaires to completely consolidate their ownership/control of everything of value in the Western world (just as it's told in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion).
But as it turns out, European men and women are more resilient than that. And then Jews, in their chutzpah, make plenty of mistakes, too. The end result, as we enter the year 2015, is that Jews, rather than feeling victorious, are crying and gnashing their teeth over “the rise of antisemitism in Europe.”
Is there a conspiracy going on?
Today, I went to Elie Wiesel Cons The World looking for what I remembered as Elie complaining about antisemitism in the same way that Caroline Glick does. I quickly came upon it, and it was from January 28, 2014, the exact same day that Glick's blog post appeared! … the one I wrote about in my previous post. Coincidence?
They are both saying the same thing, each in their own way, on the day after the “International Holocaust Remembrance Day” on Jan. 27, which was not such a big success this year. The major news story it conjured up was that the Israeli Knesset sent a large delegation that marched around with giant blue and white flags, while having their picture taken. Elie Wiesel did not show up, which took away some of the news-worthy luster of the 2014 event.
It's interesting that Benjy Netanyahu was saying pretty much the same as Glick and Wiesel just recently:
"We saw today examples [...] of European prejudice. In Geneva, they are calling for an investigation against Israel for war crimes, while in Luxembourg the European court removed Hamas from the terrorist list. It looks like there are too many people in Europe, on the [same] ground where six million Jews were slaughtered, who haven't learned a thing. The friendship we see from the United States stands in complete contrast to what we are seeing regretfully in Europe."
Recall that Caroline Glick once worked as an assistant to Netanyahu. She and Elie Wiesel are both long-time Israeli assets, so do they coordinate their message?
What exactly did Wiesel say in this interview of eleven months ago?
"The Holocaust is a unique event, but it has a universal significance which must be memorized incessantly."
"Unfortunately, anti-Semitism still exists. It has been alive for more than 2,000 years, and will likely continue living. I thought that the memory of the Holocaust would shame those boasting anti-Semitic opinions. I was wrong. It still exists in different countries, and it seems people are no longer ashamed to be anti-Semitic."
“The modern anti-Semite is, first and foremost, anti-Israel. It's very difficult to separate between the two." (Anti-Israelism and antisemitism)
"There are anti-Semites who are only anti-Israel. Once I thought that anti-Semitism had ended; today it is clear to me that it will probably never end. It might weaken sometimes, but it will continue existing, because in different countries there is no shame in being an anti-Semite. We must remember that anti-Semitism led to Auschwitz. Without anti-Semitism there would have been no Auschwitz."
"It's clear to me that one can't be Jewish without Israel. Religious or non-religious, Zionist or non-Zionist, Ashkenazi or Sephardic -- all these will not exist without Israel. The [Israeli] State's existence is the oxygen of the image and ideas of the new anti-Semitism."
"Recent attacks on Jews in the United States are expressions of anti-Semitism, yet we can't talk about an anti-Semitic movement but about groups of anti-Semites which operate in different places, and we don't know how many members they have. This reality must also concern us, because it could expand."
The difference between Wiesel and Glick is that he did not say the Jan. 27th International Holocaust Remembrance Day made antisemitism worse, not better, but he DID rather dismiss it by saying that in the United States it is only marked with an event held at the UN building.
He agrees with Glick that the real American commemoration is on Yom haShoah, the same day as for the State of Israel. According to Yoel Rappel, the Israeli whom Wiesel appointed to be the director of his archive at Boston University, it was Wiesel who proposed this day to the American Congress when he was chairman of the President's Commission on the Holocaust under President Carter. It has become a “fixed tradition” in the U.S., said Rappel.
- 585 reads
Elie Weasel
The great H. L. Mencken put it best: "An anti-Semite is someone who dislikes Jews more than is absolutely necessary."
Irene Zisblatt under attack by "Karen Yeager"?
Speaking of cons, I noticed a dismal article on Irene Zisblatt on Wikipedia consisting of only a few sentences; I guess she is such an embarrassment they would rather just rather sweep the nutcase under the rug!! What is funny is that the article mentions she has been "attacked" by a Karen Yeager, whoever that is!!
Good find!
Correct on all counts. Notice that under References is the ADL write-up from Dec. 2010 (4 years ago!) where they do have my name right.
Since this Wiki page does not mention Eric Hunt or his videos, I believe it's most likely the use of "Karen" for me is purposeful, in order not to lead readers to my work/websites. They do hate anyone being able to access the truth.
The last line of the ADL write-up reads:
Exacly opposite -- it is not a "false charge" that EW and IZ both LIED about their experiences during "the holocaust." They did! Go to Elie Wiesel Cons The World to read the full extent of his lies, which are greater than even most revisionists are aware of. My 4-part article (all in one here) on Zisblatt can be found archived on this site.
If a country were hell-bent
If a country were hell-bent on genocide, WHY WOULD THEY KEEP RECORDS?? WHY would they build “camps” hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away with sanitary facilities, housing, medical and other ancillary facilities. Would it not have been easier to just “eliminate” them without going through all of this trouble? The jewish communist Bolsheviks did just that with the non-communist civilian populations of the conquered countries in the communist orbit.
Something BIG “stinks” in this whole jewish “holocaust ™” deal. It is no secret that jewish Zionists made “deals” with the Nazis in order to make life “uncomfortable” for jewish Germans.
The establishment of a “homeland” was a Zionist “dream” since the 1800s. What better way to encourage “emigration” to a barren land than to make things difficult for the “cream of German society” (jews)?? The TRUTH about the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” is out . . .
The so-called jewish “holocaust ™” has been turned into a de-facto “religion” in which no deviation from orthodoxy is permitted. In fact, in most European countries, independent investigation into jewish “holocaust ™” truths is strictly forbidden under pain of fines and imprisonment. In the USA, things are not quite as bad, only job loss and personal and professional destruction at the hands of those of the “tribe” that FEAR the real truth of the jewish “holocaust ™” being exposed is evident.
When the truth about this historical event comes out, it will change much of the world’s perception about those that are using this event as a “cash cow” that “keeps on giving”. . . “there’s NO business like “SHOAH business”.
Jewish complicity in this event is carefully “covered up”.
It is curious to note that jewish interests will hunt down and imprison a 90 plus year-old German “camp guard” while looking the other way when their “own kind” was involved in truly brutal actions. Camp “capos” and “sonderkommandos” (who were primarily jewish) come to mind. Not one of these jewish “collaborators” has been brought to (jewish) justice. I guess blood is thicker than water.
A good example of present-day censorship is the fate that awaits those that dare question “official” jewish “holocaust” orthodoxy. Most European countries have criminalized ANY line of thought that deviates from the “official” jewish “holocaust” story. WHY?? In fact, TRUTH is no defense when it comes to “all things holocaust”.
Ask noted WW2 researcher David Irving, who was forced to recant TRUTH in order to avoid punishment. . .
If people only knew of the planning that took place (among those of the “chosen”) to engineer the jewish “holocaust”, there would be a pogrom of massive size. You see, the jewish “holocaust” was necessary in order to force the establishment of a jewish state. In this case, the ENDS justified the MEANS. There have been many “holocausts” of much greater misery throughout human history, yet the jewish “holocaust” is the only one that counts . . .
jews will never be satisfied with knowing that those that commit evil deeds on earth in this lifetime will pay for it in the next life . . . they have taken vengeance from the Creator and appointed themselves the exacter of vengeance (in contradiction to mosaic law but not their anti-gentile talmud).
jews are vengeful people that will never pass up a chance to “make a buck” by screwing a gentile (goyim) out of money or property. jews were hated in Germany for taking advantage of the non-jew Germans between the two world wars. The average German did not have a pot to piss in while his wealthy jewish neighbor was trading food for land . . . taking advantage of the jewish bankster situation in Germany.
Look at the “commercialization of the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” while the much larger communist (true) holocaust is conveniently forgotten. To assure a continuing supply of jewish “holocaust ™” “survivors”, jews are tattooing their ATM (oops, I mean “camp” numbers) on their children and grandchildren.
Since the jews declared war on Germany in 1933 (yes, 1933), the Germans had no choice but to complete the Zionist plan of marginalizing German jews (to say the least).. This fulfilled the Zionist plan of forcing German jews to emigrate to Palestine while making the world grant jews a “homeland”–Israel.
Zionists have been predicting a jewish “homeland" for the last two-hundred years while predicting a “holocaust ™” of 6 million for the same amount of time. The ACTUAL number of non-combatant deaths in the European theater of operations is approximately 731,000, NOT 6 million (official International Red Cross figures).
Regarding that “holocaust ™” “showplace” Auschwitz, there are engineering inconsistencies in the design of the so-called “gas chambers”. The doors are not of a gas-tight design; it would have been impossible to retrieve the bodies, and there is no means to ventilate the rooms after the so-called “gassing” took place”. From an engineering standpoint, these are very serious errors that would have caused the deaths of the “operators” of these supposed “gas chambers”.
American execution expert, Fred Leuchter travelled to Auschwitz, surreptitiously obtained samples from the purported “gas chambers”, had them tested and published his results. The absence of methylene blue in ALL of the samples, save one, was PROOF that the “gas chambers” did not exist. The one positive sample was taken from a room used to disinfect clothing.
Mr. Leuchter was rewarded for his search for TRUTH by his professional and personal character assassination by those of the “tribe”. He lost all of his federal and state contracts, and was prosecuted under an obscure Massachusetts “law” for “practicing engineering without a license”–a law which had never been used before or since. . .
It is no secret that after WW2, the Soviets attempted to “create” the “death camps” for propaganda purposes. Yes, there was extreme deprivation and suffering–many people perished. However, the prime cause of death was typhus. As allied bombings destroyed most of the infrastructure, typhus was at epidemic levels. THIS is what caused the massive amounts of human deaths . . .NOT gassing.
After the end of WW2, these same “camps” were used to intern German civilians. These German civilians were subject to much greater deprivation and suffering than the previous “occupants” of these “camps”. In fact, jews were controlling these camps, at the behest of the Allied forces, and were vicious in their treatment of those interned. For more reading on this, obtain and read the book “An Eye For An Eye” by John Sack.
Why can't people see that the holocaust is a religion?
Why Can't People See That The Holocaust Is A Religion?