Jews rally for stronger laws, more money, increased tolerance to root out 'antisemitism' in US
Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge on Jan. 5, 2020 is (left to right) NY Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Shumer, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, carrying the sign "No Hate, No Fear." The very tall Mayor Bill de Blasio walks behind the two senators.
By Carolyn Yeager
JEWS RALLIED TO DRAW A CROWD OF AS MANY AS 25,000 in New York City Sunday to respond to what they say is a rash of anti-Jewish attacks in recent weeks. Coverage of the event so far has only been by specific Jewish media and the New York Times.
According to reports, marchers gathered in lower Manhattan for speeches from Hasidic leader Rabbi David Niederman and Gov. Andrew Cuomo and others at 11 a.m., then started walking across the Brooklyn Bridge at about noon for more speeches by leaders including Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan in Brooklyn’s Cadman Plaza.
According to The Times of Israel: “The New York event — which is sponsored by the UJA-Federation of New York along with the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, the Anti-Defamation League of New York, the American Jewish Committee of New York and the New York Board of Rabbis — was endorsed by both local civic leaders and The New (Jew) York Times, which called it “a chance for people of all faiths and backgrounds to show critical support for New York’s Jewish communities.” It begs the question: Do Jews own New York or what?
New York City announced on Sunday that it will launch three initiatives aimed at combating anti-Semitic hate crimes, one of which involves increasing the NYPD’s presence in Jewish neighborhoods, such as Borough Park, Crown Heights and Williamsburg.
Mayor Bill de Blasio made the announcement aimed at “combating antisemitism” in New York City. The three are increased police presence in Jewish neighborhoods, such as Borough Park, Crown Heights and Williamsburg. The city (not the residents) will add more lighting and security cameras, and create Neighborhood Safety Coalitions as watchdogs (made up of diverse peoples, they say. They very much want it to be seen as non-Jews who are protecting Jews). Thirdly, NYC will be adding “additional curriculum in schools beginning in February, focusing on stopping hate.” You can be sure it will include more holocaust education! Can anyone explain why not knowing about holocaust stories causes hatred of Jews?
One of the main speakers at the rally was New York Senator Chuck Shumer, who spoke about his family. He “tells a story” about his great-grandmother in Ukraine who “was the matriarch of the family":
The Nazis came in 1941 and said 'Gather all your family on the porch'. Thirty one people were on the porch, from 85 years old to 3 months. The Nazis said, 'You're coming with us.' She said, 'We're not moving.' They [the nazis] machine gunned every one of them down.
Do you believe this? You're foolish if you do. Shumer called this “a story.” It's a story alright, a made-up story and a lie because he expects people to believe it. Whatever happened in Ukraine, it didn't happen in that way. Shumer is typical of the lying Jew whose only interest is Jewish well-being and advancement all around the world, and enforcement of “democracy” everywhere possible because that is seen as best for Jews, and they are adept at manipulating it. Truth, as Europeans understand it, does not enter the equation at all.
As he tells it, Shumer's roots are in Ukraine. If you are Ukrainian, Polish, Russian (they are all the same essentially) you are not of true European history or mentality. This is my conviction no matter what the maps say, nor what the EU manipulators wish to be the case.
New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced at the rally the state will provide $45 million in additional funding to protect religious-based [Jewish] institutions and non-public [Jewish] schools.
Senator Shumer also said he would procure additional federal millions for the security of “places of worship” throughout the USA because freedom of worship is so important to Americans—but not freedom of speech apparently, considering he wants more laws against what he calls “hate speech”, including holocaust denial and anything anti-Israel.
Interestingly, a second rally was being held concurrently outside the headquarters of the Jewish Agency for Israel in downtown Jerusalem!
Not all Jews are unified
From the Jewish
The American Forum for Israel, a member organization of the American Zionist Movement (the American affiliate of the World Zionist Organization) slammed the attendance of organizations like IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace at the rally.
“These organizations should be persona non grata and should be shunned by all mainstream Jewish and Zionist organizations, not welcomed on a march against Antisemitism,” said Dr. Dmitry Shiglik, Chairman of the American Forum For Israel, who participated in the rally. “They are by their nature supporting anti-Semitic initiatives and partner with anti-Semites. Their role is purely to divide the Jewish People and to stand against its unity.
“You can not pretend to stand in solidarity with Jews when you stand against the Jewish State and Jewish communities in its indigenous and ancestral homeland. This is a hypocrisy and a contradiction, and we should not be afraid to say so.”
Another organization called Jews for Racial & Economic Justice pointed to President Donald Trump as responsible, carrying signs reading “Hate Crimes Up 17% After Trump Was Elected.” This is also false, as statistics show that such incidents have risen steadily since 2013 when the lowest figure ever was recorded. My take on this is that the Anti-Defamation League doesn't want low figures but high ones, so got to work manufacturing more “antisemitic” incidents (mostly graffiti and cemetery vandalism produced by Jews themselves). What's happened recently is just what the ADL wants. They must be celebrating! How much of a hand in it did they have?
This article states that anti-Semitism “must be addressed on a global level, something that the State of Israel has taken the lead in doing since its re-establishment.” The state of Israel is in the lead globally … that's interesting, isn't it. It was the State of Israel that in 2017 refused to extradite for trial in the US the 18-year old Israeli terrorist Michael Ron David Kadar (at right in court) for more than 245 telephone bomb-threats to Jewish centers mainly in the USA. Israel has never allowed his face to be shown on camera. See here and here. The FBI, headed by James Comey at the time, did not insist on bringing him to the US for trial, which should have been done. For that reason, we have never heard about “agent” Kadar again, but his false flag calls are still used in the antisemitic statistics for 2017 !
When you're dealing with Jews, it's never anything less than an outrage.
Holocaust Industry Exposed, Jews- 868 reads
Camoflauge Israel Aid, Weapons for Isreal, laws protect Jews.
Another of the many cunning patterns of behaviour by Jews is that they like to bury the conspicuous details of their murderous, usurious and thieving traits in larger and more complicated packages. Like the recently passed spending bill in the US Congress. The Jew media likes to tell the White Mungicakes about the 4.5 billion on wall construction, but " not mention..." the bail out package (RE: the raising of the Fed. Res. Bank restriction on printing trillions more money out of thin air) to keep the government solvent, buy more weapons (so stupid Americans can die in wars against Israel's object of hatred and banking conquest, Iran) or the billions upon billions in Free Aid to Israel. No sooner is the bill is passed and Jews get Trump to start a war with Iran! Similarly; "...Jews rally for stronger laws, more money, increased tolerance to root out 'antisemitism' in US ... " ... Coverage of the event so far has only been by specific Jewish media and the New York Times. "..." Besides admiting that it was mostly the Jew Media covered the event, or that it was mostly Jews doing the marching, they like to bury "...Anti-Semitism..." at the end of a trail of "...other minority grievances..." ...,(however, they seemed to have forgotten to mention the rest of the alphabet soup of minorities that Jews control..., there is a fine line between making things look coincidental and showing that one is blatantly trying to hide something)..., to hide the real reason for a Rally that was mostly attended by NY Jews, namely; America is waking up and getting angry about the JEW PROBLEM and Jews are beginning to worry their "...Rip-off-murder-Jig..." is soon to be stopped by the masses of White Toothless Twinkie Eaters !!
... the next "holocaust" will be for real ...
Who said "antisemitism" is the natural reaction of "gentiles" to jewish behavior? I believe it was from a ...jewish person in a youtube video. Its true that some people will always hate other people (anyone, not necessarily jews) for no particular reason, just because that's how their deranged mind works. But the problem with jews is that they hardly ever give us, "gentiles", anything to them. On the contrary, for the past quarter century e.g. since I have been awaken to the insidious jewish agenda, I can honestly say, I resent how (((THEY))) have been waging war, a covert but very effectively destructive and sinister war, against ALL non-jews. In the words of the Great, late and very much missed Ernst Zundel "mark my words, they way jews are behaving, another so called "holocaust" will happen soon, only this time will be for real". Truly, something has to be done or blood will be shed, and people will perish. And that will be a shame...or not, who knows for sure?!
What's it like in Greece nowadays? I don't regard modern Greeks as Slavs, they're unlike the rest of the Balkans.
Protection for the Jewish diaspora can only be secured by transvaluing the crude, sentimental form of anti-Semitism (which includes carricatures and indiscriminate, misleading watch-words) into it's humanistic form (think Schopenhauer, Voltaire, Rousseau, Wagner, and Goethe).
Also, and this is a considerably risky suggestion, by preparing a pantheon of great Jewish individuals to replace the ones who don't deserve the lavish praise, for average Jews to emulate.
An indiscriminate sweeping of the Jewish people into concentration camps was perhaps necessary for it's time, but nowadays it's possible to distinguish between Jewish neutrals, aggressors, and humanists (I'm hesitant to use "decent Jews". "Good Jew" is out of the question, Hitler didn't distinguish between good/bad Jews).
With these measures in place, ideally the only Jews who will suffer grievously in the long run will be the Zionists and their leadership. Possibly the bankers as well.
Wrong statistics without hate.
Every one but every one ignore the fact that among the thousands messages that sent by Michael Kadar, about 2800, just 147 was sent to Jewish institutions (as published on the media). Do the calculation, 147 of 2800 is about %5 only! So, why they come to conclusion that it was a hate campaign against Jewish? Why they ignoring the fact that he was 14 yrs old when all started. He is AUTISTIC! and hard to believe it was intentionally since the nature of autistics is to repeat on things they do. Seems that some are making benefit of such wrong statistics. Please stop hate each other.
YOU are hard to believe
Where is the link to documentation or even a news story that confirms the figures you give. I wrote in 2017, figures from the FBI: Michael Ron Kadar is linked to at least 245 threatening telephone calls to Jewish community centers in the US between 4 January and 7 March 2017. (3 months) That makes your 147 figure wrong.
I do believe more than ever that the Kadar thing was a Mossad operation. The ADL and the FBI are like two fingers crossed.
"Please stop hate each other."
The thing most disliked about Jews is the way they lie. This whole "antisemitism is a massive problem" is a lie, and it's done to break through our sacred First Amendment by legitimising the category of "hate speech", which can then be used to shut down truly legitimate conversation by labeling it "hate". That seems pretty hateful to me!
... hard to believe it was intentionally...
That is not what's at issue. At issue is that those phone calls were fake scare-threats suspiciously pumped up by the Jewish community, after which we (the general public) were prevented from seeing an investigation to get to the bottom of it. Prevented by guess who? Israel. And our own law enforcement authorities acquiesced. This is serious harm to Americans.
> This whole "antisemitism is
> This whole "antisemitism is a massive problem" is a lie, and it's done to break through our sacred First Amendment by legitimising the category of "hate speech"
While I have no doubt this is true, I feel there is also another significant motivating factor behind this.
As per your other recent article on this topic, where Kushner declares anti-Zionism as anti-Semitic, there-in lies the heart of this assertion.
The Jews actually went a bit far with the anti-racist rhetoric in the past few decades, it was actually too successful, to the point where they woke up one morning and found that their very own creation (the modern, "far left") noticed the blatant hypocrisy of Jews in Israel and then decided to act on it.
Lo-and-behold, the next thing they knew, they had a real problem on their hands with organisations like BDS, etc. So suddenly any politician who took a sympathetic stance towards the Palestinians or didn't immediately pander to Israeli wishes (e.g. Corbyn) could suddenly be labelled "anti-Semetic" - hence the whole Labour part is anti-Semetic theatre, which was kind of funny to watch.
You have to hand it to them, the Jews, I mean. I don't think many other groups could keep up such a double act, but they persist. Chutzpah, as they say. As powerful as they appear to be, you sense the insecurity in actions like this, no doubt.
IMHO, this aggressive lobbying for thought control will be their undoing.
I had a very young (non-White) chap remark to me at work (!) "bloody Jews, always the Jews" when discussing the latest round of Middle-Eastern conflict. That caught me a bit off guard.
I told him quickly to be careful - I mean, he can say that around me, but there are a lot of Boomer-aged folks in management that certainly wouldn't take kindly to that sort of message. Which is kind of point. As these folks retire, resign or simply die off, I'm not sure there are too many people left care for what the Jews are peddling. Certainly not the non-Whites.
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?
If you are Ukrainian, Polish,
If you are Ukrainian, Polish, Russian (they are all the same essentially) you are not of true European history or mentality. This is my conviction no matter what the maps say, nor what the EU manipulators wish to be the case.
You are a complete and utter idiot.
Sez who?
Sez who?
If you have an argument to back up what you say, please give it. Otherwise you are the idiot.