"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 85
Feb. 20, 2014
Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott read and comment on Chapter 80, “An Address to “Gentiles” on the Jewish Question.”
The FINAL CHAPTER of The International Jew is not only a reminder of the unity of Jews (which is the basis of their strength) vs. the disunity of “Gentiles,” but also an exhortation to the “superior strain” of the non-Jewish races to liberate itself from the influence of Jewish Orientalism.
- Our Race, the White European “superior strain,” must unite in the moral and religious principles that made our race great to begin with;
- The solution to the Jewish Question will begin in the United States, but not by the mass of people but by a sufficient number of qualified people who are not timid or soft;
- Unrestricted immigration of ideas has been as bad for the American mentality as unrestricted immigration of people is bad for American society;
- “The Chosen People” is one of two great biblical ideas, but Jews are not that people – the House of Israel and the House of Judah are distinct to this day;
- The solution at this stage is to disengage from, to eschew the poisonous ideas and entertainments that Jewry offers to us.
Image: In approximately 930 B.C.E., the short-lived United Monarchy, which ruled over all the tribes of Israel, was divided into two kingdoms: Israel in the north, led by Jeroboam son of Nebat, and Judea in the South, led by Rehoboam the son of Solomon.
Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.
Ancient Aryan History, International Jew Study podcast, Jews, Race- 2522 reads
Original comments to this program
2 Responses
John Rees
February 22, 2014 at 10:09 am
Carolyn, now this series also almost come to an end, maybe it is an idea to start with a like study of Adolf Hitlers “Mein Kampf?” That seems great to me and I think a lot of listeners. Just an idea.
February 24, 2014 at 2:18 pm
While I was looking up the word “genocide” which was neither in my 1947 and 1953 unabridged dictionaries. So I came upon the word “gentiles” and the definition in both dictionaries was “pagan, heathen” This is not a positive word.