Elie Wiesel Writes on Toulouse and Reveals his Jewish Supremacy

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-03-24 22:48

By Carolyn Yeager

In an article titled “The Tragedy in Toulouse,” dated March 21, Elie Wiesel reveals once again his belief that Jewish pain is the only pain that matters. He  also suggests that this idea has been held firmly in the Jewish mind for 5000 years–if you believe they’ve actually been around that long.

The background for Wiesel’s essay is the death of seven persons (four of them Jews) by a gunman on a motorcycle,  identified as Mohammed Merah, a 23-year old French National of Algerian origin.

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To provide my own background to this article, I am reproducing a picture and some text from The Guardian in January 2009.

At least 14 more Palestinian children were killed in the Gaza Strip yesterday as the misery and terror of civilians trapped by the Israeli bombardment intensified.

With Israel defying mounting international demands for a ceasefire, aid workers warned of a humanitarian crisis facing terrified families trapped in their homes with little power, food, fuel and medicine.

The death toll passed 535 as planes, helicopters, artillery and tanks pounded the Palestinian territory for a tenth day.

At right are 3 innocent murdered children whose deaths were not mourned by Elie Wiesel or most Jews in the world, even though their deaths were caused by Jews.  Where is the anguish expressed by politicians and presidents for these three children?

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Merah, now dead himself, killed three French paratroopers of North African origin in drive-by type shootings on a motorcycle. In the aftermath of these three murders, we heard only cries that the perpetrators must have been right-wing, neo-nazi fanatics. A few days later, four Jews (including three children) were killed in the same fashion. Now the cries of anguish reached much higher levels and the media and left-wing politicians went into a frenzy, demanding that the “neo-nazi, far-right extremists” who must be responsible for such a crime be driven from French society and political intercourse.


Into this volatile situation comes Elie Wiesel with a short essay that, in his trademark way, says nothing of substance but accuses millions of “not caring enough” about the Jews. As in all his writings, Wiesel tells us nothing of the facts, but reveals a lot about himself–and Jews in general.

Let’s now turn to the essay itself. First I will copy the essay as it appeared; then I will go through it sentence by sentence, commenting on the meaning.

Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons the World


Elie Wiesel, Jews