Eight questions to ask Mark Weber

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-12-12 05:10

This is a Plan of Treblinka drawn by Samuel Willenberg in 1984. (click to enlarge) It is one of the various maps of the camp published after the war which are found in the book Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? by Mattogno and Graf. All the "plans" have many inaccuracies. (This one from S. Willenberg, Revolt in Treblinka, Warsaw 1989, p 6)

By Carolyn Yeager

If alternative and pro-white Internet radio hosts persevere in bringing Mark Weber on as a guest, he should have to face tough questions about the ridiculous and harmful positions he has taken on homicidal gas chambers in German WWII transit camps.

Weber is Director of the Institute for Historical Review, which through the first half of its existance was a Holocaust Revisionist-promoting organization. Under Weber's direction, it discarded that focus and now exists as a rudderless, drifting entity, accomplishing nothing other than caretaking the archives that contain the work from its better days.

On Dec 4th, Mark Weber stated to a caller, Jim, on Dana Antiochus'  program on Renegade Broadcasting that "over two million but less than six million jews" were killed by the Germans, at least a million of these in homicidal gas chambers. Dana decided to side with his guest and interrupt the caller Jim's persistent disagreement with a brief rant on why "numbers were not important." It's at the last 10-15 minutes of the program -- listen for yourself. Please continue reading at Carolyn Yeager Writings ...

