In September 1915, German-Americans still perceived as lesser Americans

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2019-03-09 14:45

Here is the excellent Edmund von Mach again, speaking to the very issue we've been discussing here at, re our specific European ethnic identification, or lack of it. I was going to post an article or two about the “Money Trust” next, but when I read this I just had to post it first. Von Mach manages to stand up for what is German without ever seeming too partisan or un-American. He is quite a scrupulous character, while remaining honest and penetrating.-cy

Oswald Garrison Villard, pictured circa 1910-1920, was editor of the New York Evening Post and a civil rights activist, a founding member of the NAACP. Oswald was born in Wiesbaden, Germany; his father Henry Hillgard had immigrated to the US and invested in railroads and newspapers.

v. 3 no. 8    September 29, 1915    Page 14


By Dr. Edmund von Mach, Author of “What Germany Wants”

Mr dear Mr. Villard:

Joining Sven Longshanks on "The Daily Nationalist" weekly

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2019-03-06 19:27

I'VE BEEN JOINING SVEN LONGSHANKS ON HIS RADIO ARYAN 'THE DAILY NATIONALIST" BROADCAST once a week. So far I've done two half hour segments with him--here and here. Next week we'll do another one. I'm not going to post them here, but I encourage you to check out "The Daily Nationalist" page for updates.

News from Europe: Macron doubles down on 'hate speech' laws; Austrian 'holo-denier' released from prison

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2019-03-05 15:33

Wolfgang Froelich appears to be leaving prison in this photo credited to Bild: Kein Anbieter/Daniel Schreiner. It looks like he is holding a bag (with his belongings) in his left hand, while friends and family await him on the other side of the door. Congratulations Wolfgang!

By Carolyn Yeager

EMMANUEL MACRON IS AT IT AGAIN—trying to lead Europe into a bright new globalist-friendly, German-funded future.

Macron's new “idea” includes more protection against hate speech. Deutsch Welle wrote approvingly: “Among his wide-ranging suggestions were enhanced protection against hate speech, greater control of EU borders and immigration, and a nationally adjusted European minimum wage –  ideas that went down well with most German politicians.” All except for AfD's Alexander Gauland, that is. Gauland is quoted as saying:

Striking examples from The Fatherland that support the One War thesis

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2019-03-02 14:39

This example of below-the-belt, literal demonization of Germans that circulated in Britain was responsible for the distorted views that the public actually adopted as true. The belief that Germans were out to murder babies, children and women was encouraged in both World Wars.

 By Carolyn Yeager

I WENT THROUGH THE EARLIER ISSUES once again to find what I remembered seeing about Russian barbarism on the WWI eastern front. In doing so, I came upon some other interesting reports on “English barbarism” like the one just below, and other stories that confirm that the issues at play in WWII were very much in play in WWI first – supporting my contention that WWI and II were the same war, separated by a failed peace attempt of 20 years duration.

From the Dec. 2, 1914 issue of THE FATHERLAND, I begin with two excerpts that describe the extreme hatred generated against German immigrants living in Anglo countries at the outbreak of war.

The question arises: Did Jews copy their 'Never Again' slogan from the English? It can't be the other way around, since the following was written in 1914, not 1941! “Never Again” is obviously not original with the Jews. And also note the words I have underlined which became so full of 'meaning' when spoken by the National Socialists some years later.

The creep of censorship hits home

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2019-02-27 22:14

IT CAN NOW BE TOLD. The company that has hosted my server for the past 10 years without a problem took me offline without warning on Sunday morning, Feb. 17. When I made contact with them on Monday, Feb. 18, I was informed that 1&1 (recently become 1&1 IONOS) had terminated my account. The best reason the “security” rep could give me was the vague word “hate.” We're all supposed to accept that as meaning something. He said they would send me a letter of explanation. Why didn't they send the letter first?



The Lusitania tragedy turned into pretext for US to enter war

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2019-02-23 13:42

New York Times, May 8, 1915, immediately claims “twice torpedoed,” though German U-boat captain says he sent only one torpedo, which was followed by a second explosion from munitions within the ship. It was this secret cargo that caused rapid sinking and great loss of life.

ON MAY 7, 1915 the Cunard ocean liner RMS Lusitania, on its way from New York to Liverpool, was hit by a single torpedo from the German U-boat U-20 eleven miles off the coast of Ireland. The U-boat captain wrote in his log:

Torpedo hits starboard side right behind the bridge. An unusually heavy detonation takes place with a very strong explosive cloud. The explosion of the torpedo must have been followed by a second one [boiler or coal or powder?]... The ship stops immediately and heels over to starboard very quickly, immersing simultaneously at the bow...

Did the US-UK alliance against Germany-Austria begin long before 1917?

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2019-02-19 18:15

The Buffalo, NY Evening News on March 17, 1915 features the war and English munitions factories, which you can read by enlarging the image.

More from THE FATHERLAND in the spring of 1915 by the most excellent writers Frederick Schrader, Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Dr. Edmund von Mach. The amount of munitions delivered to England from American factories is receiving more and more criticism, along with the obvious favoritism for England from the self-proclaimed “neutral” United States and it's biggest newspapers. This post contains five articles in all.

v. 2 no.13   May 5, 1915   Page 7


Prof. Roland G. Usher Declares the US is in a Coalition to Help England, France and Russia in Return for Concessions—Alliance Aimed to Crush Germany-Austria

By Frederick F. Schrader

IS there a secret alliance between the United States and England? The question may startle those who have not given the subject of our present relation with the world powers and our statecraft, within the past twenty years, more than perfunctory consideration. It is undeniable that with the Spanish War [1898] the American Government turned into new channels of diplomacy and established new relations with England. Many things have occurred since then which the average American cannot easily explain to himself.

How British psychological warfare resulted in short-term victory but long-term loss for Europe

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2019-02-15 12:15

Victor Cavendish-Bentinck, senior British intelligence official during WWII, serving as Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), doubted and even dismissed the reports coming in about homicidal gas chambers used in National Socialist Germany.

THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE FOLLOWING RESEARCH ARTICLE, written by a British nationalist but signed with a pseudonym, needs to be better known. It is a good companion article to this one which reveals the British Elite (Government, BBC/Media, Church of England) as unscrupulous liars and conscienceless competitors in the mold of international Jewry. The article below explains the secret intelligence agencies at work in Great Britain and how they interacted in regard to creating the illusion of German criminal behavior. I have personally found over and over in my continuing study of World War One and Two (1910-1950) the British preference for psychological warfare over soldiering and battlefield victories, and that those who carry it out don't care who or what they destroy in the process of “winning.” That is the secret of their “success.”

I have added some underlining for emphasis and a few comments. -cy

Britain’s Rumour Factory

Origins of the Gas Chamber Story

An essay published in tribute to Prof. Robert Faurisson on his 88th birthday

25th January 2017

Circular reasoning and the Holocaust

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2019-02-10 15:20

By Carolyn Yeager, February 2019

YOU CANNOT PROVE THAT GOD EXISTS BY LOGIC. You also cannot prove that 6 million (or even 2 million) Jews were 'exterminated' by the Hitler regime by the current 'logic' being used.

Here's how circular reasoning works. The statement followed by the reason:

'Whatever is less dense than water will float, because such objects won't sink in water.'

Although the argument is deductively valid, it does not prove the statement because the conclusion is not distinct from the original statement. 'Floating' and 'not sinking' are the same. Likewise:

'Jews are being exterminated by the Nazis, because we have (unconfirmed) reports that Nazis are exterminaing Jews.'

The conclusion is not distinct from the statement.

OMG! Hoaxter Joshua Kaufman appears as Trump's guest at SOTU

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2019-02-06 13:54

Joshua Kaufman in his Commie worker's costume, and Herman Zietchik wave from the balcony of the House of Representatives chamber after being introduced by President Donald Trump.

By Carolyn Yeager

GUESS WHO WAS THE PRESIDENT'S GUEST AT THE SOTU LAST NIGHT? The lying hoaxter Joshua Kaufman who got himself in the news in 2015 and again in 2016, at which time I wrote several articles about him and did some investigative research. Find three of my articles here, here and here. He was dressed for the occasion, seated near the First Lady and with everyone in their best attire, in the very same work-type clothes he was always wearing in 2015-16!

It's like a kind of costume for him—the brown jacket with fake furry collar, the jeans, the white shirt and billed cap tilted a little to the side on his head. One of his three daughters was there with him, dressed in all white—possibly to be in sync with the radical socialist women legislators in the chamber.
